Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Whittock, Nathaniel
The Art Of Drawing And Colouring From Nature, Flowers, Fruit, And Shells: To Which Is Added, Correct Directions For Preparing The Most Brilliant Colours For Painting On Velvet, With The Mode Of Using Them, Also The New Method Of Oriental Tinting ; With Plain And Coloured Drawings — London, 1829

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yellow over the neutral tints. The middle tints on the front of the
leaves should be tinted with a warm green, formed with gamboge
and blue. The dark parts of the leaves may be cut up with a dark
tint of burnt sienna and prussian blue; a wash will be found sufficient,
as the deep shadows will be previously formed with neutral tint.
The common honeysuckle is sormed in a variety of tints, from red to
purple, even on the same stem. The small corollas, on the right side,
are much darker than those in the centre, and partake of a purple
hue. The middle tint is lake ; the lights are left. The first shade is a
strong tint of lake, and the darkest tint is formed with lake and blue,
used nearly opaque.
The student will find by the copy that the darkest shade is not
brought to the edge of the ssower, but a space is left for the ressected
lights. The ends of the corollas, seen in the calyx, are tinted with
lake. When the whole is coloured, and got up with as much
strength and spirit as possible, the effect may be greatly heightened
by varnishing the dark parts with a solution of gum arabic. The
touches with the gum should be laid on broad and ssat, and done at
once, as the colours will be raised if made too wet, and will then become
thick and muddy. From the effect produced by the gum on this
subject, the student may be induced to apply it on others, but it can
only be used to advantage on dark ssowers.

