No particular subject has been pointed out sor imitation in oil, as
that would have been a repetition os remarks made besore, and would
greatly have extended the limits os this work ; nor must the student
suppose that difficulties will not present themselves which no verbal
instructions could prevent or explain. Practice, taste, and judgment
will always be required on the part os the student; all that the master
can do is to shew the general colours and mode os using them in pro-
ducing certain objects, but he cannot point out the innumerable
variations that may be made in them ; with these the student can alone
become acquainted by well-directed application.
Some remarks on the groups os sruit and ssowers will terminate the
lessons on this department os the art. The student will perceive that
they are sormed os the subjects that have besore engaged his attention,
taken separately, with one or two others, to make the group complete.
In drawing sruit or ssowers, it will always be necessary sirst to consider
the sorm os the picture. It has been before stated, that no group can
look natural that sorms any thing like a square or an oval. In most
cases the sruit is piled one upon the other, and the lightest at the top,
so that when seen in a mass it assumes the form os a pyramid rather
No particular subject has been pointed out sor imitation in oil, as
that would have been a repetition os remarks made besore, and would
greatly have extended the limits os this work ; nor must the student
suppose that difficulties will not present themselves which no verbal
instructions could prevent or explain. Practice, taste, and judgment
will always be required on the part os the student; all that the master
can do is to shew the general colours and mode os using them in pro-
ducing certain objects, but he cannot point out the innumerable
variations that may be made in them ; with these the student can alone
become acquainted by well-directed application.
Some remarks on the groups os sruit and ssowers will terminate the
lessons on this department os the art. The student will perceive that
they are sormed os the subjects that have besore engaged his attention,
taken separately, with one or two others, to make the group complete.
In drawing sruit or ssowers, it will always be necessary sirst to consider
the sorm os the picture. It has been before stated, that no group can
look natural that sorms any thing like a square or an oval. In most
cases the sruit is piled one upon the other, and the lightest at the top,
so that when seen in a mass it assumes the form os a pyramid rather