This ssower is always acknowledged by poets and painters os aii
nations to be the peculiar favourite of nature, and has obtained the
title of queen of ssowers; it is, therefore, chosen sor the concluding
lesson in water-colour painting, and it will require all the ability ot
the student to produce it with brilliancy and sreedom.
The drawing* of the rose should be commenced at the centre, taking
care to obtain the true form of the petals; then proceed regularly with
them till the outer circle is completed. Observe caresully where they
sold over towards the centre or bend srom it. Be very caresul in the
drawing, and sketch as lightly as possible with the pencil, as none ot
the touches must shew aster the colour is laid on ; they must be re-
moved by moulding the crumb os bread to the sorm ot a pellet, between
the singer and thumb, and with this gently removing all the pencil
marks that are not part os the drawing, and so lowering those that
sorm part os it, that they may be scarcely perceptible, and not at all
This ssower is always acknowledged by poets and painters os aii
nations to be the peculiar favourite of nature, and has obtained the
title of queen of ssowers; it is, therefore, chosen sor the concluding
lesson in water-colour painting, and it will require all the ability ot
the student to produce it with brilliancy and sreedom.
The drawing* of the rose should be commenced at the centre, taking
care to obtain the true form of the petals; then proceed regularly with
them till the outer circle is completed. Observe caresully where they
sold over towards the centre or bend srom it. Be very caresul in the
drawing, and sketch as lightly as possible with the pencil, as none ot
the touches must shew aster the colour is laid on ; they must be re-
moved by moulding the crumb os bread to the sorm ot a pellet, between
the singer and thumb, and with this gently removing all the pencil
marks that are not part os the drawing, and so lowering those that
sorm part os it, that they may be scarcely perceptible, and not at all