The art os painting on velvet is now carried to a high degree of per-
section; the downy sursace os the velvet, and the brilliancy of the
liquid colours used to produce sruit and ssowers, give it a decided
superiority over any other kind os flower painting, sor ornamenting bell
ropes, ottomans, &c.
The colours required for painting on velvet are carmine, hair sassron,
blue, brown, orange, purple, green, and verdigris. These colours are
sold, ready prepared, at most os the sancy colour shops, at about two
shillings per bottle; but any lady wishing to execute velvet painting
on a large scale, sor the purpose os surnishing, will sind it much better
and cheaper to prepare her own colours. The following directions
may be considently relied on.
Take one drachm os the sinest carmine, sour table-spoonfuls of boiling
water; let these boil sor two minutes, then add one ounce os spirits os
hartshorn, boil it again two minutes, let it stand all night, and then
strain it through a linen cloth,
The art os painting on velvet is now carried to a high degree of per-
section; the downy sursace os the velvet, and the brilliancy of the
liquid colours used to produce sruit and ssowers, give it a decided
superiority over any other kind os flower painting, sor ornamenting bell
ropes, ottomans, &c.
The colours required for painting on velvet are carmine, hair sassron,
blue, brown, orange, purple, green, and verdigris. These colours are
sold, ready prepared, at most os the sancy colour shops, at about two
shillings per bottle; but any lady wishing to execute velvet painting
on a large scale, sor the purpose os surnishing, will sind it much better
and cheaper to prepare her own colours. The following directions
may be considently relied on.
Take one drachm os the sinest carmine, sour table-spoonfuls of boiling
water; let these boil sor two minutes, then add one ounce os spirits os
hartshorn, boil it again two minutes, let it stand all night, and then
strain it through a linen cloth,