Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Whittock, Nathaniel
The Art Of Drawing And Colouring From Nature, Flowers, Fruit, And Shells: To Which Is Added, Correct Directions For Preparing The Most Brilliant Colours For Painting On Velvet, With The Mode Of Using Them, Also The New Method Of Oriental Tinting ; With Plain And Coloured Drawings — London, 1829

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in some parts than it is in others. This, in painting is called a half
tint, and the same if it is rather darker in either the middle tint or
shade. It is impossible to convey the manner in which half tints may
be produced by words ; but the student who thoroughly understands
the first principles upon which all colouring is founded, will find but
little difficulty in producing them ; and, when proceeding to finish very
highly, will even go over the whole tints with others, darker or lighter
than them : but this process will seldom be required, as the broad
simple tints, if properly applied, will always be most esfective.
The whole being now in light and shade, commence colouring on the
blossoms with the lightest tint of lake : this will be found in the copy
to be the light ssush on the inside of the petals, and must be a very
delicate tint, well softened off on all sides with a clean brush, the
light side of the petals being coloured with the same tint all over, with
the exception of the white at the edges, from which the colour must be
washed off with the softener.
When the first tint is quite dry, a second must be applied, with the
same colour, rubbed up a little stronger. This must be laid on with
freedom, and softened osf towards the edges, taking care to leave the
strong light in the centre. The third shade is still the same, used
stronger to shew the fold of the petals. The colour will now be very
brilliant on the petals, and great care must be taken not to get it thick
and muddy, which will inevitably be the case if the drawing is at all
hurried, and one tint applied before the other is dry.