Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Whittock, Nathaniel
The Art Of Drawing And Colouring From Nature, Flowers, Fruit, And Shells: To Which Is Added, Correct Directions For Preparing The Most Brilliant Colours For Painting On Velvet, With The Mode Of Using Them, Also The New Method Of Oriental Tinting ; With Plain And Coloured Drawings — London, 1829

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One of the most celebrated ssower painters that has been known was
John Van Haysum, "his works excite as much surprise by their
sinishing, as they excite admiration by their truth." After giving some
of the incidents of his life which are foreign to the present purpose,
they proceed to state, "that he painted in so graceful a style that he
received the most deserved applause from the most eminent judges of
painting: even those who furnished him with ssowers confessing there
was somewhat in his colouring and penciling, that rendered every
object more beautiful, if possible, than even nature itself. His pictures
are finished with inconceivable truth, for he painted every thing after
nature, and was so singularly exact as to watch even the hour of the
day in which his model appeared in the greatest perfection." From
having observed some of his works that were perfectly sinished, some
only half finished, and others only begun, the principles by which he
conducted himself may, perhaps, be discoverable. His cloths were
prepared with the greatest care, and primed with white, with all pos-
sible purity, to prevent his colours from being obscured, as he laid
them on very lightly. He glazed all other colours, except the clear
and transparent, not omitting even the white ones, till he found the
exact tone of the colour; and over that he sinished the forms, the
lights, and shadows; and the ressections, which are all executed with
precision and warmth, without dryness or negligence; the greatest
truth, united with the greatest brilliancy, and a velvet softness on the
surface of his objects are visible in every part of his compositions ; and
as to his touch, it looks like the pencil of nature. Whenever he
represented ssowers placed in vases, he always painted those vases