Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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Pheidias (!). Metanoia is comfortably Latinised as Paenitentia. But the god
Kairos must needs become the goddess Occaszo, poised on a little wheel1, with
winged feet and the traditional coiffure.

1 Furtwangler Ant. Gemmen i pi. 30, 38, ii. 149 publishes a gem, on which Kairos
as a nude youthful runner, with wings on shoulders, winglets on ankles, small round
mirror (?) in right hand and whip in left, sets one foot on a four-spoked wheel. Inscrip-
tion : L - S • P.

A limestone relief (height on left o-40m, breadth at bottom o"27m) of s. iii or iv from
Thebes, now at Cairo, shows a youthful figure in military costume, with wreath, shoulder-
wings, knife, wheel, and balance, running towards the right. Below are two females, one
flying at the same pace, the other left behind in an attitude of dejection. J. Strzygowski
Koptische Kwist {Service des Antiquitis de VEgypte: Catalogue giniral des Antiquites
Egyptiennes du Musie da Caire) Vienne 1904 p. 103 f. no. 8757 fig. 159 calls them
Kairos, trpovoia and fierdvoLa. Cp. A. Munoz in E Arte 1905 viii. 150 fig. 5, O. M.

Fig. 801. .

Dalton Byzantine Art and Archaeology Oxford 1911 p. 158 with fig. 65 ( = my fig. 801).
But P. Perdrizet in the Bull. Corr. Hell. 1912 xxxvi. 263 ff. fig. 1 takes the subject to be
Nemesis trampling on Hybris [supra i. 269 fig. 195), with Metanoia behind. Cp. Lamer
in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. x. 1514. The latter interpretation is probably correct,
though the type of Nemesis here is influenced by that of Kairos.

A relief from Thasos, now at Constantinople, has two niches side by side. In the one
stands a youthful winged figure in short chiton and himdtion, with balance in right hand
and wheel beneath feet. In the other is a pair of draped females, touching bosom of
dress with right hand and holding short rod in left. A. Munoz in EArte 1906 ix. 212 ff.
fig. 1 viewed them as Kairos (or Bios) with Pronoia and Metanoia. But O. Rossbach in