Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Ars: časopis Ústavu Dejín Umenia Slovenskej Akadémie Vied — 44.2011

DOI issue:
Nr. 2
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DOI article:
Kusters, Liesbet; Sidgwick, Emma: A motif and its basal layer: the Haemorrhoissa (Mark 5.24-34) and the interplay of iconological and anthropological research
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7. CZAV ízzz7 tPř Hzzř/zzcrAczAzt, H^z/7yAzzt/zzg A Ac tAzznz/zzT' cf Ai
PV^zzzz7AízzrtcA'zzzzr A Rcwc, rcczzz 77, 7^ tczzAry. Repre.* DECKERA
- AEELÍGER — AÎ7ETÆE 7777 (A<? /zz zzVe 27J-

5.24b-34 recourus how Jesus, on his way to Jairus'
house, feit power pass out of Him when the Haemor-
rhoissa, a woman who had been suffering from
haemorrhage for twelve years, touched his cloak and
was at once cured:

"AH4 ^ /krg<? HF/^ ^4 yf&tfíF F/^ orz
HF^. Aio^ FP<?n? <% z^<9/^z?/z zzzpo PázF Pi'i'zz
/orF^/^jzMrr. iA? i'/zzézrg'F
/?Myy yAyrFrF^zzy rz/zF Pez4 jpř/zF ez/7 FPezF ypř Fzezd,* ^^4 G<?
zz<? P^FF^y PzzF r^Fp^r^r^ z^orr^. JP^ PezP P^rP ezPozzF
y^r/zy z?zzP r^<? yp P<?PF%A HF/z? Fzz Fp^ rro^<2 áwd Fo/zcP^d
PFr rPzezC, yor j*P<? r<%FP, *y 7 PzzF FozzrP PFr r/oFp^y 7 ^77
P<? ^F/i Pw^řePhFí'/)/ P^r P^OTMffPágř t/oppřP,* ez/zP
tPř yf/F F% Pí*r Popy Fp/zF íPř zzvzr P^ezPP <?/ P^r PFr^zzri?.
HzzzwPPzFA)/ FpezFp<92t'gr PezP pw?i? /čr/PyPow 77i^
y^rz/r F/znwP /zPozzF Frz FP^ rrozzzp zz/zP rezFP 4HPo FozzrPřP
z^yy cPFP<?j*T /( . . / Fpř ^čwzzy, /PzzozzzFyy zzzpezFPezP Py/zp^zz^P
F<9 Přg n%zw Fzz /Mf ezzzP Fr<?wPP*zzy, yW/ Pzzzz^zz Pp/Prř HzAz,
ezzzP Fo/P HzPz FP^ zzzpop Frz/Fp. T7<? rezFP Fz? Pč*y 'DezzzgpFřy
jyozzryPzFP Pe?r zzzezPřjyozz zzz^P)* yy Fzz /zzzP Př P<?/zPP op
yzzzzr PFtMtřh"
A fresco in the catacomb of Peter and Marcek
linus, dating from the 3*^ Century, is one of the oidest
représentations of the story [Fig. 1] A Already in the
earliest représentations, based on the brief descrip-
tion in the Gospels of the Haemorrhoissa "coming
up behind Him" and Jesus "turning about", the
iconography of the Haemorrhoissa was rooted in
a speciňc convention: the woman creeps or crawls
behind Christ; He turns and blesses her. In the
fresco, the event is frozen in the mtimacy between
the two main figures; neither Jairus and the crowd,
nor the apostles are represented. The woman kneels
behind Christ and reaches out longingly to Him with

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*' For a hrst íconographtcal analysis of the motif, with bibli-
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The Healing of the Woman with the Haemorrhage (Mark
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