Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Ars: časopis Ústavu Dejín Umenia Slovenskej Akadémie Vied — 44.2011

DOI Heft:
Nr. 2
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Obsah / Contents
DOI Artikel:
Szakács, Béla Zsolt: Images from the production line: constructing Saints' lives in the "Hungarian Angevin Legendary"
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2. PhygtthtH Mygtwb Eggř^ubry, V DwswMf Vbphg tPř PZ9fr ďj 3. Eř^yg<3E^Mygřyh E^gř/iJ^ry T3ř ERgy V^b Awfyg /3ř
^ big/^ V PřPMvřbtw. R^rc.* LEI ITRDV 7P77 přř h /Mtf /p. PWirtgf PPc/^^rBřrCv. Ry^m.- LEhMRDV797;? přřh^Eř /p.

the Kfýřf pppTn* from Krumau (Český Krumlov)
m Bohemia."' It was probably made for the local
Minoritě monastery founded in 1358, and in the
18"' Century the volume was moved to the library in
Vienna. Its patrons were probably from among the
Rosenberg family, the founders of the monastery
who were also dosely related to the Bohemian court.
Like the BfVks*, a unique feature of this co-
dex too is its scant text — only two or three lineš per
page to accompany the images, which predominate.
In the hrst part of the 172-page manuscript, a BfMh

evident that the real principle is the hierarchical one, applied
m the Lítaný of AR Saints, starting with an archangel, foRowed
by the apostles, evangeHsts, marpns, confessot bishops and
abbots, HnaRy the holý women and virgins.
Vienna, Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, Cod. 370.
SCHMIDT, G.: J&r W7 Graz
-Köln. 1959.

p%gp(?7W/7? can be found. The second part consists of
thirty-four image cycles, eighteen of them connected
to saints, and the rest parables and stories related
to the Virgin and hermits. Repeating the stories of
saints, the illuminators were faced with similar tasks
as those of the
The way as illuminators worked in such situation
was discussed by previous literatuře V Techniques
of creating of large amount of images was also
discussed by John Lowden analyzing the BPMr
and their relations to the stained glass

" A good overview of recent literatuře has been compiled by
LEWIS, S.: Narrative. In: M /c AifRwVME. Ed. C.
RUDOLPH. Oxford 2008, pp. 86-105.
^ LOWDEN, J.: tPfBzPPrAícwPVři'. Philadelphia
