Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Ars: časopis Ústavu Dejín Umenia Slovenskej Akadémie Vied — 44.2011

DOI Heft:
Nr. 2
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Obsah / Contents
DOI Artikel:
Konečný, Lubomír: Lost in translation: the iconographic tradition and visual transformation of an antique fable
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^c/ř dy Xo. 7007.724.

nearly identical, conhrming that the former was ušed
as a prototype for the latter. What, however, can be
said about the text? It States:
^ /-^7 AA yhAr
O A/yp/kx* opřE ppor/řp
E/y?7W íy)EX/^ A^?r AP/ ophW-
(Peasant, you want to pull out the wagon that
has become mired in the mud;
and to accomplish this, you do nothing but
Yet it is simple; set yourself to the task
And god will grant you the assistance for which
you ask.)

A 13, 1964, pp. 187-196; GERSZI, T: Recent Con-
tributions to LodewijkToepuťs Oeuvre of Drawings. In: Ex
E^wc E%rřw. 7^ Ec^c^r Y EAtz
o;?EřrE7gMř/<ůB?EMyy. Ed. Z. DOBOS. Budapest 1999, pp.
89-96; ARTEMIEVA, I.: Nuove aggiunte al grafico
del Pozzoserrato. In: O/TMggA iř^^A EvrA A
RXo^ P?/ArA7A. Montefalcone 2000, pp. 115-117.

The identity of the author of this text is unknown;
in accordance with the majority of contemporary
practices, the text was most probably appended to
the central scene additionally, after its transfer into
the printed medium. That does not mean, how-
ever, that the author of the pictorial composition
did not understand its meaning. The represented
scene is described in the hrst two lineš of the verse,
while the other two lineš convey a moral message.
Pozzoserrato's drawing corresponds to the text in
a generalized yet direct manner. Castrucci's relief
adhères to the text's narrative to a lesser degree,
seeing as it is missing the protagonist: the praying
farmer. All other components of the "story" remain,
though without the hgure their meaning becomes
In relation to this issue, consider Elisabeth Mac Grath's
excellent case study — MAC GRATH, E.: Rubens' Susanna
and the Eiders and Moralizing Inscriptions on Prints. In:
IFctV B7E 7% Ar AřArA^ArA^ FEv/ 2/7E E7ň??tz7%f Ar 7 4.
%/E 77. AAE/TyAttf. Eds. H. VEKEMAN — }. AiÜLLER
HOFSTEDE. Erftstadt 1984, pp. 73-90.
