Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Ars: časopis Ústavu Dejín Umenia Slovenskej Akadémie Vied — 44.2011

DOI issue:
Nr. 2
DOI issue:
Obsah / Contents
DOI article:
Bartošová, Zuzana: Pamiatke Evy Šefčákovej
DOI Page / Citation link: 

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dej épis umenia strahl v Eve Šefčákovej osobnosť sa móžu bez zaváhania spofahnúť ďalší bádatelia
schopnu klasickou metodou vytvoriť bázu, na ktorú a s istotou nadviazať na jej odborné výstupy.

In Memory of Eva Šefčáková

Dr. Eva Šefčáková June 4*, 1935 — September
26'J 2011), one of the most signihcant Slovák experts
in the history of drawing, graphie art and illustra-
tion, graduated in art history from the Philosophical
Faculty of the Comenius University in Bratislava in
1958. She published a number of papers in scientific
journals as well as books. Her research was based pre-
dominandy on the collections of the Slovák National
Gallery in Bratislava (SNG), where she supervised
the Drawings and Graphic Art Collection for more

than a decade and a half. In the SNG, she individu-
ally organized up to hfty exhibitions and helped to
organize lots of collectively conceived projects. She
wrote introductions and articles in the majority of
related catalogues. Slovák art historiography lost with
late Dr. Šefčáková an exceptionally hard-working
scholar, whose work serves as a solid basis for those
who continue her research.
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vi&wbG y rAzfčA Kolegyni Ingrid Ciulisovej
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kovaných práč Evy Šefčákovej.