Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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7. Nikolas Myrepsos, De Compositione medicamentorum, Paris, Bibliothecjue Nationale,

Gr 2243, fol. 10 v

Such a position of the Dove is not accidental but lias a definite symbolic meaning expressed
by mediaeval writers as follows: Quem Christum Pater de coelo voce monstraverat, hunc Spiritus
Sanctus verus, quasi in columba, et super caput illius sedens, tactu voluit demonstrare ne quis
alius Dei Filius putaretur ex populo.67

Already in the earliest literaturę the Baptism of Christ was understood as the Anointment
with the Holy Ghost68. The Messianic dignity (= unetus S. Spiritu) implicating the continuous
presence of the Holy Ghost was visualized in the scenes of the Cmcifixion, the Resurrection

67. Maximus of Turin, Senno X de S. Epiphania IV, Mignę, Patrologia Lalina vol. LVII, eol. 551.

68. Acta Apostolorum X, 38: quomodo unxit Eum Deus Spiritu Sancto et virtute; G. Ristow, Die Taufe Christi im Jordan.
Ein Bcitrag zur Ikonographic der fruhehristlichen, byzantiaischen und fratikisch-karolingischcn Kunst, Diss. Univ. Berlin
1958, p. 12—14: Bedeutung und Sinn der Taufe Christi, p. 29—30: Himnielsóffnung, Geistherabkunft.
