Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Bulletin du Musée National de Varsovie — 19.1978

DOI Heft:
Nr. 4
DOI Artikel:
Dobrowolski, Witold; Smuglewicz, Franciszek [Ill.]; Byres, James [Ill.]: The drawings of Etruscan tombs by Franciszek Smuglewicz and his cooperation with James Byres
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8. F. Smuglewicz, drawing, Cardinal's Tomb, Tarquinia, the part of thc frieze decorating the
right wali. Wiirzburg, The Martin von Wagner Museum. (courtesy of the Museum)

Smuglewicz's participation in this great and pioneering enterprise of the 18th century archeolo-
gy was completely ignored and his work was attributed to Byres.

We do not know much about artistic activity of Byres in Rome38. Moreover, his biography
abounds in blanks and doubts. He was born in 1734 and was a son of Patrick Byres, Schottish
follower of Jacob who had taken part in the revolt of 1745 and after the defeat he was
forced to abandon the country. Then Patrick Byres went with his son to France. Young Byres was
educated in France, where following his father's advice he began his military career in the French
army. He left France only after the act of oblivion was proclaimed in 1756. According to the
preserved records he went to Italy39 via England, where he stayed for a short time. Undoubtedly
he arrived in Rome in the same year 1756, for during the suceeding two years he can be found
in the records of the parish church San Andrea delia Tratte under easily recognizable name

38. W. T. Whitley, Arlisls and Iheir Friends in England, 1700—1799, London—Boston, II, 1928, p. 247—248; J. Fleming,
"Some Roman Cicerons and Artist-Dealers", The Connoisseur Year Book, 1959, p. 25—26; J. Fleming, Robert Adam and
His Circle in Edinhurgh and Rome, Cambridge, 1962, p. 306, 378; B. Skinner, Scots in Italy in the 18th Century, Edinburgh,
1966, p. 16; B. Ford, James Byres, pa. sim. British Artists in Rome 1700 —1800. Grcater London Council 1974, Cat. Exhib.,
no 21, 33. D. and F. Irwin, Scoltisli Painters. London, 1975, pp. 64, 98, 115, 140, 151-152, 421 note 38

39. The letter of Philip Yorke, later the 3rd Earl of Hardwicke, written on October 31, 1778 provides its with data concern-
ing Byres's life. British Museum Add. MS 353 78. See also Whitley, op. cit.; Ford, James Byres, op. cit., p. 446—447.
