Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Bulletin du Musée National de Varsovie — 29.1988

DOI issue:
Nr. 2-3
DOI article:
Jaroszewski, Tadeusz Stefan: "Karl Friedrich Schinkel and the Poles": Exhibition in the National Museum in Warsaw
DOI Page / Citation link: 
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The sixth section dcalt with the villa at Miłosław designed by Schinkel shortly before 1830.
Again no original drawings werc available and therefore the risitors wcre shown a reconstructed
horizontal projection of the gromu! floor of the buiłding, reprodiiced by Anna Rogalanka and
Zofia Ostrowska-Kębłowska, and an enlarged reproduction of Kajetan Wincenty Kieli9iński's
drawing dating from circa 1840—43, with a perspective view of the villa. Since its construction,
the villa has been twice thoroughly converted.

The seventh section was restricted only to one show-case wliere, among the other items, the
visitors could see the manuscript of the musie of Antoni Radziwiłł's opera Faust (National
Museum in Warsaw) with Karl Friedrich Zimmermann's drawing dating from 1819, which was
an illustration to part one of Goethe's Faust. This drawing was based on stage sets designed by
Schinkel to Radziwiłl's opera.

The eighth section was a kind of suppelement to the exhibition, devoted to the castle at
Kamieniec Ząbkowicki (Fig. 6). It featured eight original drawings by Schinkel dating from
1838 and dealing wilh the first and second versions of the project of this magnificent structure
(National Museum in Wrocław), which had never before been exhibited.

As part of the exhibition there was also a demonstration of slides showing Karl Friedrich
Schi:ikel's major works, presented to tłie accompaniment of the musie from Antoni Radziwiłł's

The exhibition Karl Friedrich Schinkel and the Poles was a response to two large retrospec-
tives of Schmkel's oeuvre held in Berlin (DDR) and in West Berlin2. The problems dealt with by
the Warsaw exhibition had been shown in a separate display, Karl Friedrich Schinkel. Werke
und Wirkungen in Polen, organized in the Martin-Gropius-Bau4. The Warsaw exhibition
demonstrated a different approach to thesc problems, something that can be seen in its title.

Translated by Bogna Piotrouska

3. The exhibition in Berlin (DDR) was held in the Altes Museum between Oetohcr 23, 1980, and March 29, 1981. The exhi-
bition in West Berlin was opened in the orangery of the Charlottenburg palące and lasted from March 13 to September 13,

4. Cf. Karl Friedrich Schinkel, Werke und Wirkungen in Polen, Ausstellung im Martin-Gropius-Bau 13. Marz — 17. Mai 1981,
Berlin, 1981.
