Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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How a mere boy of seventeen, quite unprac-
tised in the manly games for which other
young men of his tribe were regularly trained,
could surpass all of them, is not easy to con-
ceive. But there are men who believe
that ‘ a hero is a hero at all points.’ “ He
can be a philosopher, poet, soldier, king,
reformer, and what not he is like a ‘ preg-
nant quarry teeming with human form?
What form should the quarry take, depends
upon the choice of the Sculptor. He can be
anything and everything : but it is the world’s
reception of him that determines the sphere
of his action
It is idle to discuss the truth or the falsity
of the foregoing stories. If true, they scarce-
ly add anything to the merits of the real
man; if false, they detract very little from
what is praiseworthy in him. So, they
should be left alone to amuse the fancy of
the superficial critic. It is no flattering