Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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killing, after having refrained from hurting all
creatures, both those that are strong and those
that trouble in the world.
“ Let him abstain from taking anything in
any place that has not been given to him,
knowing it to belong to another ; let him not
cause any one to take, nor approve of those
that take. Let him avoid all theft.
“Let the wise man avoid an unchaste life as a
burning heap of coals ; not being able to live
a life of chastity, let him not transgress with
another man’s wife.
“ Let no one speak falesly to another in
the hall of Justice, or in the hall of the assem-
bly ; let him not cause anyone to speak falsely,
ilor approve of those that speak falsely. Let
him avoid all untruth.
“ Let him, who approves of this Dharma,
not give himself intoxicating drinks ; let him
not cause others to drink, nor approve those that
drink, knowing it to end in madness. ”—
(Dharmmika Sutta, Sutta Nipata ; 19, 20, 21,
22, 23.)