Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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WHAT prompted me, aster fo many Years Silence,
to expofe this (piece, to the World, was not-fo
much the Old Topicl^, Importunity of.fome, as
the■ Impertinentics of others; there being more than Four hun-- •
dred Queries now by me, to which I was prejsedfor Anfwers,and
wherein I found a necefflty, if I declined this Work^ to appear
from other- Hands in 'Print. This then was the firss and chief
Caufe; refting all that while content, that many Foreigners had
their Memoirs tranflated , whereby 1 thought my felf excufed
this Tasl^ j mofl -of whom, I had either feen or heard of be-
yond Sea, but neVer had read any of their Works, nor kgete of
their Intentions to declare theynfelves to the World* Finding
therefore on my Return, that they had been before-hand with
me, ■ I Aid believe it ■ almofi hnpojsible, fo many writing on the
fame Subject, fhould not in many, and the moss material Points
especiatty, is they followed Truth, relate the fame things 3 which
made me ssill dejiss, fuppossng it a 'lofl Labour.
<But at lafl, conjidering thofe Travellers before me had sew
of them been in thofe Parts where I had been, or at leafl not
dwelt fo long there, I Venture to osser fome"HoVelt'tes, either paf~
fed over by them, or elfe not fo thoroughly obferVed.
And indeed, this being the sirft tf this kind I know of, wrote by
our own Countrymen, ssnce the Ingenious Sir Thomas Herbert,
I hope it may sind the more savourable. Acceptance; ssnce it bears
no other Vesign than the Good of my Country, Jetting before
them the True State of their Trade in East-India and Persia.