Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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Concludes with my Return to ENGLAND.


Eaving the Affairs of India in the posture I have ac-
quainted you; I begin to .think of returning to my
Native Soil, the Fleet here being ready to kt Sail for
The Success, Captain Cooly Commandery
Massenberg, Captain Gladock;
Josiah, Captain Owen.
Set Sail sor At the same rime Mr. Rolt the late President took his Passage in
***** the Josiah : The Second of India, Mr. Chamkrkne, in the Success
as I took mine in the Massenherg : Mr. John Child being removed
from the Government of Bomhaim to the Presidency ,• which was
the 19th. of January in the Year i6%
Till the Twelfth of February we directed a Southern Course,
when about Two in the Morning the Moon sussered an Eclipse,
and in half an hours time was almost totally hid, which endured
till Four in the Morning : In Four or Five days after, about the
Seventh Degree of North Latitude, we met the Sun coming to-
wards the North, and passed him to the Southward, when he
osten raised Vapours from the Sea to thicken the Air, and obscure
his Face, which were as often poured down upon us, we having
here uncertain Weather , sometime wet, somerime calm, though
■ mod an end, according to Varenius's Position, the Winds hold
Eastcrly srom the First of January till the End of July, as far as
Ascension, and then turn Westerly : We met hereabouts with a
Tree bestuck with Sea-Shells,. which made us lie by a-nights tor
fear of the Chango's.
Mmhi ' Anc* now dreadful Thunders cause the Sea to tremble, and
Over-Board. Lightnings ssy through the Heavens in frightful Flashes,- by reason
of these alterations we went but ssowly, being but Ten Degrees
Southward of the Sun on the First of March , when a South-
East Wind favoured us ; with which sailing fortunately enough,
we were damped by a Mischance on one of our Young men,
who going up the Shrowds to loose the Top-Gallons, by the un-
advised letting go of some Bowling, was hoistcd into the Main, and