Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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A sarther Discovery os India. 415


Continues the general Occurrences ~mth Remarks,

Midst these Wars and rumours of Wars, we quietly lay Chap, I,
down our Arms, and leave Seva Gi and the Syddy alone to i^rv-VJ
contend for our stony piece of Ground on Henry Kenry ; The vjyand
" how much to our Honour or Reproach, may be gathered contenYfa
from the Language we have daily cast in our Teeth ; ' Why Vaunts Hwyiunry.
'your Nation? What Vi&ories have you atchieved ? What has your
1 Sword done.1 Who ever felt your Power i What do you possefe?
* We see the Dutch outdo you ; the Portugals have behaved them-
' (elves like Men; every one runs you down; you can scarce keep _,
'Bmkim, which you got (as we know) not by your Valour, R^n'Md.
1 but Compact; And will you pretend to be Men of War, or Cope
* with our Princes > It's fitter for you to live on Merchandise and sub-
' mit to us.
But for all these Revillogs Seva Gi makes them tremble here,
forgetting that twice their Safety has been owing to us, from falling
into the hands of that terrible Plunderer.
For all which the Mogul continues a double Poll on the Heathens The M)g!lj\a.
this Year, and breaks down their Idolatrous Images where-ever he ssith a double
sinds them; whereupon the Heathens begin to Worstrip in Dens and poU-
Caves, and solitary Places^ being forbidden their open Celebrations.
In the heat of all these Combustions, the Firebrand Seva Gi is swwGJ Die*
called to pay the common Debt to Nature, he Expiring June i.
j6So. though after sometime his Arms are carried on by his Son
Sambu Gi Raja, whose first care was to soiemnize his Father's Exequies
with hellish and cruel Rites, after the barbarous Gustom of these
Princes, to Burn all that were grateful to them when living, to at-
tend them in the other state of Life; doubtless deriving it (which
is more than alluding to) from the ancient Geta, their sirst Parents,
and not theirs alone, but of all the World since the Deluge; who,
as Nick Damascen reports, Tauri gens Scythka una cum Regibus mortuis
gratijstmos quosque.amicorum httmare folent% and Salinas, as well as
Pomponius Mda, says the same of their Wives, Funera Feftasmt, &
velutisacra cantu lusuque celebrantur, ne steminis qaidem segnis est ani-
mus, super mortuorum virorum corpora intersici simulque fepeliri votum
ex'tmium habent; Q? quia plures simul singulis nupt® sunt cujus id Jit decus
apudjudicatures magno certamine asseclant i Which here, though it be