Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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Treats of Embarking, and Pajsagc
till pafi St. Iago.
1HE Proem. Taking Ship at
Gravcsend, and falling down to
the Buoy in theNore. Numberof
our Ships, with Letters of Mart.
War with Holland. The reason of going
over the Flatts. Stay at the Gaums. The
Massenberg disabled. Leaving the Lizzard,
we met with Ships from tales. We crofe
the Bay cf Btscay to the Main Athntich
Why this Sea is always troubled. The
St. Htkm Fleet stand' for the Madera.
Little Credit to be given to the Log-board.
Hercults-ViUar. We drop our Compani-
ons by degrees. The Issand of Madera
the largest in the Atlantkk Ocean. The
Advantage of understanding the Trade-
Winds and Azimuth. The Meteor Casior
and Tcllux. The St. Helens Fleet overtake
us. We cross the Tropic of Cancer. A
Guinea Ship took leave of us last. We
draw near the Sun. Flying Fishes, and
their Pursucrs. Sharks and Pilot-Fisties.
The Men of War out-sail us. The Issand
fietenavijla. Capc-Verd Islands , Nine in
Number. Isle of Mate. Arriving atSt.Ia-
go. Found three Anchors ssipped in the
Bay. The Natives accost us with their
Wares. Astately Garden. Of the Coco-
Tree. Other Fruits. Their Militia. Their
Asses sure-footed. Their manner of En-
tertainment. A Rural Chappel. The Na-
ture of the Issand ; and Inhabitants. Del

Qassage to Johanna, and Relation.
of that Island.
NEccssity of knowing the Trade-
Winds, by a Proof. Met the Tor-
nadoes near the Coast of Guinea. Crosted
the Line. Outsailed the North-far. Rai-
sed the Crocters and Magtllanian Clouds.
A North Sun makes Noon, as a South Sun
did before. The Calenture rages in the
Fleet. Extent os the Atlantkk. The Tro-
pic of Capricorn. The Course of the Sun
through the Zodiac, Cause of the Seasons.
Sea-Fishes for Food. The Dolphin. Stone-
Bass.' Gales from the West to reach the
Cape. The Current of the Sea againsl
the Wind. Cape-Birds. Winter at the
Cape. Separated from the Fleet for two
days. Soundings osf the Cape Good Hope.
Spoke with some Englijii Ships homeward
bound. Doubled Caps d' AnguUis to gain
St. Lawrence. The Eastern Sea. A Whale.
We follow the Sun. Lost light of St. Law-
rence. Arrival at Johanna. Care of the
Sick. Situation of the Island. The Inland
inacceilible. The Circuit. A Tree fourteen
Fathom round the Body. Belt Water,
next 2Jj7W/-Water. Their Town and
Buildings. Two Mosques. The King's
Court. Their Nobles. Their Priests. We
Present them. Vassals to the Arabs. Vil-
lages. A plcasant Grove. The Hills fruit-
ful. Temper of the Inhabitants. Their
Vessels for Sea. Aclive at climbing. Slaves,
how known. Skill'd in Letters and Astro-
logy. Ape Printing. Their Speech. Reli-
gion. Women. Their Children troubled
with the Navel-Rupture. Their way of
killing Fowls, &c. Their Diet. Corn.
Want All'es, Mules, and Hones. Fowls
for Game." A Budgee. Their Hate to the
Mohdians. We are called aboard to see
b 2 CHAP;