Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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By reafon of the distance of the Author , Thefe Errors have efcaped the
(prefs; which the Reader is dejlred to amend, before he read the 'Book:



40 s\ , r. JEquator.
12 /«r Southern r. A'twlow.
36 /«• os r. off.

2 <We but.

5 sor C/«tj r. ssrety or CSk^j.
49 /er lent r. lent.
39 /<r Caff r. Cast.
36 sor SrwM r. Ktjei,

8 sor T<^» r. Caput,
24 sor ssxns r. Bang.

26 sor Silarixm r. Selanum.
18 after </.iy tnlett <cjh/.
23 /«• Fire-Guns r. five Guni^

34 /«■ bracei r. braves.
4 sor Tips r. T«/*».

54 /<r mounting r. moating.

30 r. despised their kindncli.

46 siraav/ r.ao.
1 s sor Musercei r. Musieui.
38 d. os.

3 /«r being r. bringing.
2 8 sor AW* r. Danda.
14 sor A'rfj« r. A'«n G/.
j 0 aster Company add seldora.
19 sor Cantear r. Carwar.
jo sor Pcnurium r. Pimtrimn.

sor £>«<? r. D(«7.
. sir it r. them.
sor Leiptes r. Ltcquei,
fir viro r. viru-
/«• both r. all.
sorK^mart'u'is r. xAmaranthHS-
for Mann* r. Hamrn*,
sor Ccplxrt r. CaijJiirt.
sir Noizc r. noise.
sor Bmdtii r. Bunders',
sir thither r. hither.
, sor Ctinmbtm r. Ctlumj.
sir insedt r, insest.
< d\ trending.
i ,/ir ttay r. he,
i /*ros r. osf.
/«r present r. I presenioL
, yir grave r. brave.
<*/fo- 7000 tfrfti Hersc.
/ir power r; powder.
,/ir We r. they.
sor aptajsc r. <?;*.»#.
sor C*w r. Cnes.
sor P*wr r. Pova.
r. celebrated.
sir Lap.sratcrnity r. tay sratfn
, r. <3VVl$%>VTOA<
besore by me.
siron r.one.
str nor r. and.
sorRrfid/r. K«&J£?

'73 50 /ir sorced r. sained.
167 jr. every one os which.
8 for Km Cilia 1. Mm OSa.
'93 43 /w Hoardt r. hords.
195 2 sor Bumre r. Burmt.
197 21 r. Ordained them.
21S 43 r. Stnganian.
219 J sor Buccaneers r. Racanr.cri.
220 38 r. nor Wood nor Timber.
227 12 r. Three Pcrsian Mild or Par/fang:.
2 j t. Sisobiu't.
230 3s foricr. Str.
231 16 sor Bus r. St«/«.
232 30 d. yet.
240 23 sor Martle r. Aso/e.
34 for Careusan r. C»r«»f4H 5:r Raw.
248 19 </. there.
258 23 sor ut r. antem.
277 49 *"« held by one.
291 21 sir lae'd r. laid.
29 S 33 /«■ Storci r. Stove*.
296 47 sor Milagani r. Miltitta.
297 » r. not without lomc rcasonablc ressections th« the
2 neighbouring Battviam were Acccssotici, having
3 a jcalouly os the EngUph-v-
298 24 /<r piled r. FsiVt.
25 /lr petiloully r. perilbingly.
301 's str Collation r. eolation.
303 27 sir Nitrous r. nidcrous.
305 37 sor M'rUc r. Mali.
313 '6 fir clear r. cheat.
3 S 2 1 /"• generally r. generically.'
3 sor Murtasm r. hUamsm.
7 for MarlAc r. Marie.
21 r. is salssy imputed.
338 49 sor Ganizxen r. 'janizMti.
341 3 ». llenderly provided.
350 27 {crTansrtlepeandr. TranirUt&.
30 r. Haalam who was.
3$4 so r. one White Flume.
3 S S 19 sor uissnjuc r. Orjlrcque.
3S9 33 sor Taierdan r. 7>t«rj«r;.
376 47 /"• Balhed r. Balhec.
385 24 /wPrcssr.sirefs.
$o /srlightyr.lighdyv
388 15 sor C<g«T. Cigj.
391 39 sor GiUldar r. Cttahdar.
30 six dtmttm T. dim*.
397 38 sor Buj-Slxts r. Bugsxtl.
398 20 sor Gsfdam r. Ttgdani.
404 49 sor Musiagc r. Mucilage.
40$ 14 sor Tajleii r.Tagleii.
412 s sor Semi* r. JemU.
413 3 /er icoco r. one hundred thousand.
420 6 sor Gladcck.1. Haddcck.
26 for Utangti r. ChaHgit.
421 40 sor cCvlgHthM r. ^irigHillii.
43 sor *iipab* r. rather os -*S>rist<, or the Snake.
