Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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chap, i;

Takes ]S(ptice os Broach; the Change of Governors at Surat;
intejl'me 'Broils os the Empire $ Rencounters os the Englissi;
and 'Portentous Occidents' os this tear.

Y last 1 had thought to have prcsented you with my own Chap. T.
hands, but being still detained, I must persist to give you W>*J
farther Trouble.
Forty Gourse Northward of Surat lies Broach; it therefore being
' esteemed in relation to the English as a Branch of this Factory, up-
on any one of our Merchants being ill, they can easily and suddenly
send a Messengerfor Assistance ; which gave me opportunity of see-
ing that City, soon after I had returned with the President to Surat.
The Way thither is twofold, either by Sea or Land; the sirst,
srom Swally-hole, makes an easy Parstge up that Creek, or rather TheAtithoi
Arm of the Sea, to Broach River's Mouth, into which the River sent s1 w
empties itsself: The latter is measured over a spacious Plain, and is En"K''
travelled either by Coach or on Horseback, both which I had for my
Conveyance, together with the Attendance of a good Guard of the
Company's Peons, becauseof frequent Robberies hereabouts. Going
out by Broach-Gate, we sell into a notable beaten Way; •
Hoc iter mamsesia rotes vesiigia ccrnes.
Contrary to whatever we found ia any Place of Persia
where are neither Carts, Coaches, or Wains: There we sel
dom meet any to turn us .out of our Way; here the Roads veJii^g^r
are pester'd with Caphalaes of Oxen, Camels, and Bufolaes, with d'*> fro<nd»t
heavy Waggons drawn by Teams of Oxen, yok'd Eight, sorrie- r
times a Dozen or Sixteen times double, bringing and carrying Goods
of all sorts: There with Guides, here with Guards, for fear of Thieves
desending from the Mountains, or lying in Ambuscado among the
Ggg Thickets:

' os Ptrsia,