Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Gilhofer & Ranschburg (Wien); Gilhofer, Buch- und Kunstantiquariat; Gilhofer & Ranschburg
Katalog (Nr. 209): Eine österreichische Bibliothek alter Drucke: Inkunabeln in schönen alten Einbänden, frühe Manuskripte, Americana, Kunst, Astronomie, seltene deutsche, französische u. tschechische Bücher des XVI. Jahrh., Botanik, Judaica, alte Medizin, Musik und Tanz, Mystik, Theologie, Turniere und Waffenkunde : enthaltend die illustrierte Dante-Ausgabe von 1491, die berühmte Horaz-Ausgabe von 1498, Hortus sanitatis von 1485 — Wien: Gilhofer & Ranschburg, 1928

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Natural Sciences
354 Aristoteles. - Portio (Porzio), Sim. De coloribus libellus, latinitate donatus &
commentarijs illustratus. Florentiae, Laur. Torrentinus 1548. 4t0. 197 n. 2 unn.
pp., last page blank. Limp vellum. Frs. 40.—
Brunet IV, 829: II y a des exemplaires oü le verso du dernier f. d’errata est en blanc;
dans d’autres cette page est remplie de corrections nouvelles. — Therefore our copy is, last page
being blank, afirst imprint of this first edition. It cont. The Greek text, Latin trans-
lation and a detailed commentary over the Greek thinker’s important treatise on colours.
355 Hero Alexandrinus. Spiritalium liber, a Frederico Commandino ex Graeco,
nuper in Latinum conversus. Urbini 1.575- sm.-4*0. With numerous woodcuts. Limp
vellum, slightly dam. Frs. 48.—
Brunet III, 129. First Edition of the first printed work of Hero of Alexandria, ‘containing
descriptions of about 100 small machines and mechanical toys, many of which are very ingenious,
including an account of the small stationary steam-engine, which is of the form now known as Avery’s
patent,. . There is also an account of a double forcing pump to be used as fire engine ... It is
only recently that general attention has been directed to his discoveries, though Arago had alluded
to them in his eloge on Watt*. — W. W. R. Ball.
356 — The same in lingua Volgare da Aless. Giorgi da Urbino. In Urbino,.
Barth, et Sim. Ragusij frat., 1592. 8vo. With many woodcuts repres. automatic
madiines. Limp veil. Frs. 36.—
First Italian translation of this very interesting book on automatic machines.
357 Schwenter, Dan. & G. Ph. Harsdörffer. Deliciae Physico-Mathematicae. Oder
Mathemat. vnd Philosophische Erquickstunden. Nürnberg 1551 — 53. 4to. 3 parts in
2 vol. With 3 engr. front., 3 pl. in part II, 3 in part III, musical notation
and many diagrams. Veil. Frs. 120.—
Cont. 1663 amusing tricks and themes of the provinces of the Arithmetic, Geometry, Stereo-
metry, Music, Optics, Perspective, Astronomy, Gnomonics (Fabrication of dials and clocks), Statics,
Hydraulics, Penmanship, Architecture, Chimistry etc.
358 Vesuvius. — Crucius, Vincent., Alsarius. Vesuvius ardens sive Exercitatio me-
dico - physica ad Piyozu'psTov, i. e. motum et incendium Vesuvii, XVI. mensis.
decembr. 1631. Roma 1632. 4to- Old vellum. Frs. 48.—
Rare book on the famous eruption of the Vesuvius in 1631. Title and first leaves browned.

359 Biel, Gabr. Passionis dominice sermo historialis notabilis atque praeclarus. Mainz,
Fr. Heuman, 1509- 4to- Goth. 98 unn. 11., rubricated. With an interesting
woodcut on title, repres. the Crucifixion and the author, who is
sitting on the left at a knee-hole table which bearshisname.
Hf. vellum. Frs. 200.—
Panzer VII, 408, 13. Proctor 9884.
A very reniarkable book in typographical regard. It is said that the types of title and
headline are the same as those used in the 36-line Bible by Gutenberg. See H e 1 b i g, H. Une
döcouverte pour l’histoire de l’imprimerie. Bruxelles 1855, and Brunet I, 940.
The author, Gabriel Biel, was the first professor of theology at the newly founded (1477)
university of Tübingen; his work consists in the systematic development of the views of his master,
William of Occam. — Rare.
See Reproduction on page 132.
