Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

International studio — 17.1902

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American Studio Talk ...... Supplement, lxxix., lxxxv., xci., xcv.

Armstrong, Regina. An American Painter : Eric Pape. Six Illustrations .... 83

Artistic Private Gardens in the United States of America. Twelve Illustrations . . . 122

Brenner, Victor D. Medallist. Three Illustrations ..... Supplement, xci.

Britten, F. J. Some Notes on Old Long Case Clocks. Ten Illustrations .... 188

Cassiers, M. Henri : A Belgian Painter. By Fernand Khnopff. Fifteen Illustrations 3

Caw, Janies L. A Scottish Painter ; E. A. Walton, A.R.S A. Ten Illustrations *. . . 161

Clocks, Some Notes on Old Long Case. By F. J. Britten. Ten Illustrations .... 188

Domestic Architecture, Some Recent English Designs for. Ten Illustrations . . .113

ErTz, Edward. Monotyping. Seven Illustrations . . . . . . .172

Garden at Tigbourne Court, near Witley, Surrey, The. Six Illustrations .... 21

Grubhofer, Tony, London Depicted by. Twenty Illustrations .... 14, 105, 260

Home Arts and Industries Association, The. By Esther Wood. Ten Illustrations . . 129

Illustration of the Daily Press in America. By Will Jenkins. Part II. Nine Illustrations . 281

International Exhibition of Modern Decorative Art at Turin, The First By Dr. Enrico Thovez 45

The Austrian Section. By A. S Levetus. Fifteen Illustrations .... 47

The Dutch Section. By Enrico Thovez. Nineteen Illustrations .... 204

The English Section. By F. H. Newbery. Twelve Illustrations . . . .251

The Scottish Section. Twenty-five Illustrations . . . . . .91

Israels, Josef, The Work of: Modern Dutch Art. By Jan Veth. Sixteen Illustrations . . 239

Jenkins, Will. Illustration of the Daily Press in America. Part II. Nine Illustrations . 281

Khnopff, Fernand. A Belgian Painter : M. Henri Cassiers. Fifteen Illustrations . . 3

King, Miss Jessie M., and her Work. By Walter R Watson. Thirteen Illustrations . . 177

Lay Figure, The ............. 80, 157, 236, 314

Levetus, A. S. The Austrian Section, Turin Exhibition Fifteen Illustrations ... 47

Medallist. Victor D. Brenner. Three Illustrations ..... Supplement, xci.

Monotyping. By Edward Ertz. Seven Illustrations ........ 172

Mourey, Gabriel. Some Paintings and Sculpture at the Paris Salons. Nine Illustrations „ 191

Mural Decorations at Boston, Some Recent ....... Supplement, lxxix.

Mural Decorations in the State House, Boston....... Supplement, lxxxi.

National Competition of Schools of Art, 1902, The. By Esther Wood. Thirty-three Illus-
trations ................ 268

Newbery, F. H. The English Section, Turin Exhibition. Twelve Illustrations . . . 251

Paintings and Sculpture at the London Spring Exhibitions, Some. Sixteen Illustrations . 25

“ “ “ “ Paris Salons, Some By Gabriel Mourey. Nine Illustrations. 191

Pape, Eric: An American Painter. By Regina Armstrong. Six Illustrations ... 83

Photography at the St. Louis Exposition ....... Supplement, lxxxv.

Studio Talk. Ninety-seven Illustrations ........ 52, 134,213,291

Thovez, Dr. Enrico. The First International Exhibition of Modern Decorative Art at Turin . 45

“ “ The Dutch Section, Turin Exhibition. Nineteen Illustrations . . 204

Veth, Jan. Modern Dutch Art: The Work of Josef Israels. Sixteen Illustrations . . 239

Walton, A.R.S.A., E.A.: A Scottish Painter. By James L. Caw. Ten Illustrations . . 161

Watson, Walter R. Miss Jessie M. King and her Work. Thirteen Illustrations . . . 177

Wood, Esther. The Home Arts and Industries Association. Ten Illustrations . . . 129

“ “ The National Competition of Schools of Art, 1902. Thirty-three Illustrations 268
