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International studio — 17.1902

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No. 67 (September, 1902)
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Hans Sandreuter left behind him a mass of
work in many branches of art, the best of which
is certainly of a very high order, and all of which
is worthy of an artist who had the loftiest conception
of his vocation and its requirements. R. M.


The Print Collectors Handbook. By Alfred
Whitman. (London: George Bell & Sons.)

Price 155. net.—Some excellent advice to the
collector of prints is given in the opening
chapter of Mr. Whitman’s valuable and informing
handbook. He tells him that “he must commence
by acquiring an elementary knowledge of the
technique and peculiarities of the various styles of
engraving .... that he must learn something of
the principal engravers, their style of engraving,
the kind of work to which they devoted themselves,
and when and where they lived.” In conformity
with this advice, the author then proceeds to supply
the required information, warning his reader,
however, of the vastness of the subject, and the
desirability of the collector confining his attention
to some special division. Some useful words
of warning are given upon the subject of
forgeries and reprints, which are so numerous as
to be an ever-present source of danger to the young
collector. Indeed, amateurs of advanced experience
are often misled by paper and the general appear-
ance of the print into giving long prices for modern
reproductions of the older masters. Mr. Whitman’s
viewsupon the artof his subject are broadand sound.

Greek Coins and their Parent Cities. By John
Ward, F.S.A. (London: John Murray.)—There
is, perhaps, no more delightful subject for the
wealthy collector to occupy himself with than that
of Greek coins. Its artistic value is as great as
its historical one, and Mr. Ward shows, in the book
before us, what a large measure of topographical
interest may also be discovered in it. Mr. Ward
is the happy possessor of an extensive collection of
numismatic treasures, and a large portion of his
book is occupied by a well-arranged and illustrated
catalogue of them by Mr. G. F. Hill, M.A., of the
British Museum. The debased condition of the
design of modern coinage has long been apparent
to all intelligent observers. Why should this be
so? Is it possible that the restrictions under which
the modern designer labours are such as tend to
the depreciation of his work ? Or is it that those
who are responsible for the selection of modern
design lack the requisite taste and knowledge ?
Or can it be that the artists lack the necessary
ability? Whatever may be the cause, a careful

study of Greek numismatic art, as represented
in this collection, will enable all to recognise
its enormous superiority as an artistic product.
Mr. Ward’s chapters upon the parent cities of
Greek coins show the archteological bent of his
mind, and his fondness for foreign travel, while
some of the illustrations bear witness to his
ability as a draughtsman.

Modelling: A Guide for Teachers and Students.
By Edouard Lanteri. (London : Chapman and
Hall, Ltd.) 1902.—Mr. Lanteri, as a sculptor
of unusual ability, and for many years past
Professor of Sculpture at the Royal College of
Art, South Kensington, is peculiarly well quali-
fied to deal with the technical details of the
art of modelling. He knows exactly what is
necessary for the young worker who is acquiring
the foundation of sound knowledge, upon which
success in later life very largely depends ; and he
has the rare gift of being able to impart to others
something of his own enthusiasm and understanding.
This book is, as he explains in the Introduction, a
development of the notes which he has used in his
demonstration classes at the Royal College, and is
therefore an essentially practical production. It is
full of admirable hints and of clearly-stated rules,
which are likely to be helpful not merely to the
young beginner, but even to advanced students ;
and it is written simply and with absolute convic-
tion. The late Mr. Onslow Ford’s preface pays a
high tribute to the “ value and excellence ” of
M. Lanteri’s handbook.

Brush-work and Design. By Frank Steeley.
(London : G. W. Bacon & Co., Ltd.) 1901.
Price 5.?. — This series of diagrams, with ex-
planatory notes, has been prepared to assist the
teacher of elementary classes and art schools in
training young students. It gives him in a con-
venient form most of what he requires for the
encouragement of those among his pupils who have
an aptitude for design, and summarises the results
of a number of educational experiments. The
particular interest of the diagrams is that they show
how much variety of expression is attainable in
surface decoration by the use of the brush. They
contrast agreeably with the old-fashioned freehand
line drawings, with which beginners were too long
vexed, and they seem likely to be productive of
much better artistic effects than could be hoped for
under the old system.

Geometrical Drawing for Art Studefits. By
I. H. Morris. (London: Longmans, Green &
Co. Price 2 s. — Mr. Morris’s textbook has
already proved its value as a guide to all students
