Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

International studio — 17.1902

DOI issue:
No. 68 (October, 1902)
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Jenkins, Will: Illustration of the daily press in America, [2]
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Awards in "The Studio" prize competitions
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Awards in “ The Studio ” Prize Competitions

works of Marechal, which have caught the very
spirit of the originals with all their suggestive

The Italian Renaissance in England. By Lewis
Einstein. (New York : the Macmillan Company).
To a very considerable extent, the series of essays
now published by Mr. Einstein bridges over a gap
which has long existed in the history of Italian
influence in England, and throws fresh light on
certain modern tendencies of thought not pre-
viously traced to their true source. With rare
critical acumen and a yet rarer sense of proportion—
for he has not allowed his own individual predilec-
tions to destroy the balance of his work—he has
gathered up into a consecutive narrative the broken
and long sundered links of a formidable chain
of evidence, and carries his readers with him
from the first chapter to the last.

Ancient Peruvian Art. By Arthur Baessler.
(London : Asher & Co.) In 15 parts. Price 30^.
net per part—We have received the first part of
this work, which promises to be a contribution of
unusual interest and value to the subject of the art
and archaeology of the Incas. The author possesses
a collection of over 11,000 articles from the pre-
Columbian groves, and it is his intention to repro-
duce the principal objects in his possession with
full detailed descriptions. The plates in the first
part consist of battle scenes, in which the arms and
costumes of the warriors of ancient Peru are well
delineated, and other subjects copied from designs
which figure upon pottery obtained from Ancon,
Pacasmayo, Chimbote, Trujillo, and other centres.
There are some remarkable examples of feather
mosaic work reproduced in the original colours,
exceedingly rare little figures in gold and silver, and
a curious statuette in carved wood, which appears
to have been encrusted with mother-o’-pearl, many
pieces of that material still adhering to it. The
plates are all produced by lithography, and no
expense seems to have been spared to make them
in all respects satisfactory.

Lessons from Greek Pottery. By John Homer
Huddliston. (London: Macmillan & Co.) —
The appearance of this little volume is peculiarly
opportune now that the excavations of recent years
have done so much to modify the long accepted
theories on the subject of Greek vases, or rather
of the meanings of the designs with which so many
of them are adorned. The author has a very
thorough grip of his subject, and is in most
intimate touch with Greek thought as reflected
in the beautiful survivals of Greek art which have
been preserved. He considers the paintings on

vases the “easiest and most direct introduction to
a study of the material remains of ancient Greece,”
and points out that it is now possible for a small
expenditure to bring together reproductions of
thousands of typical designs. He examines very
lucidly the chief phases of Greek life and thought,
dwelling on the vocations and pastimes of the men
and the life of the women; defines very clearly
the differences in the various shapes of Greek
ceramic ware, and interprets the vase paintings
illustrative of Greek literature, whether epic or lyric.

Messrs. Heal & Son have published recently a
tasteful pamphlet dealing with wooden bedsteads,
on the production of which considerable artistic
feeling has been brought to bear. The pamphlet
contains excellent photographic representations of
a large number of pieces of modern furniture, and
illustrations ot carpets and other textile fabrics.

Awards in « the studio ”



Design for a Showcard.

The Prize (pio) has been awarded to Doric
(George W. Mason, 57 Ryan Street, Bradford,

Designs by the following competitors have been
purchased for A'3 each :—Puck (Maggie Tunn,
17 Boston Street, Dorset Square, London, N.W.);
and W. H. W. (William H. White, 3 Colmore
Chambers, Newhall Street, Birmingham).


Design for a Cottage.

The best designs sent in for this competition
will be used to illustrate a critical essay in the next
number of The Studio.

(B XX.)

Design for a Bookplate.

The awards will be made known in the October

(C XXI.)

An Artistic Garden.

Although the prizes have been awarded, the
results in this competition are far from satisfactory.
They show little or no appreciation for a charming

First Prize: D'Oro (Mrs. Kennet-Were, Cot-
lands, Sidmouth, Devon).

Second Prize: M. R. (McKenna Rowand

Ronald, 23 Kensington Gardens Square, W.).
