Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

International studio — 17.1902

DOI Heft:
No. 65 (July, 1902)
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Mural decorations in the State House, Boston
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American Studio Talk

of men and women, gathered on the deck of the
boat, float two female figures. The composition is
a very labored one, tangled and wooden, the color
rather dreary, and the whole picture lacks inspira-
tion. But, even so, it is far more acceptable than
Mr. Simmons’s panel, which displays a procession
of soldiers in blue overcoats defiling up the steps of
the State House, carrying the battle-flags that are
now stacked in the alcoves below the picture.

Considering that it is the performance of so able
a painter, the triviality of this representation puts
one out of all patience. The flags make a scroll-

work of brilliant colors, otherwise the main feature
of the composition is a sartorial arrangement of
overcoats in perspective, for the procession is viewed
from the rear, so that nothing of manhood is visible
save one or two side faces, brushed in in the most
perfunctory manner. The fa§ade of the building
is a skilfully economical sketch, while the central
figure, a little in advance of the group of automata
which welcome the procession, is a small squat
gentleman with the action of a puppet. The paint-
ing would arouse derision but for the stronger feel-
ing of regret.

Charles H. Coffin.


The Ivory Workers of the Middle Ages. By
A. M. Cust. [Handbooks of the Great Crafts-
men. Edited by G. C. Williamson, Litt. D.]
London: George Bell and Sons; New York:
The Macmillan Co. Pages xix + 170. With
Bibliography and Index. 37 Half-tone Illustra-
tions. i2mo. Price, $2.00.

Holman Hunt. By George C. Williamson, Litt. D.
[Bell’s Miniature Series of Painters] London:
George Bell and Sons; New York : The Mac-
millan Co. Pages viii + 64. With list of
chief works and bibliography. 8 half-tone illus-
trations. 16mo. Price, 50 cents.

Line and Form. By Walter Crane. New edi-
tion. London: George Bell and Sons; New
York : The Macmillan Co. Pages xvi + 288.
With index. Profusely illustrated. i2mo.
Price, $2.25.

Tuscan Sculpture of the Fifteenth Century :
A collection of sixteen pictures reproducing
works by Donatello, the Della Robbia, Mino de
Fiesole, and others. With introduction and
interpretation by Estelle M. Hurll. [The River-
side Art Series. Representative pictures by
famous artists, with interpretative text and por-
trait of the painter. Edited by Estelle M. Hurll.
Each volume, crown 8vo, 75 cents net; school
edition, linen, 50 cents net; paper, 35 cents
net.] Boston and New York: Houghton, Mif-
flin, and Co. Pages xvii +97. i2mo. Price,
75 cents net.

Van Dyke : A collection of fifteen pictures and a
portrait of the painter. With introduction and
interpretation by Estelle M. Hurll. [The River-
side Art Series.] Boston and New York:
Houghton, Mifflin, and Co. Pages xviii + 95.
121110. Price, 75 cents net.
