Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

International studio — 17.1902

DOI Heft:
No. 66 (August, 1902)
DOI Artikel:
London depicted by Tony Grubhofer
DOI Seite / Zitierlink: 

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The Directorate of the Universal Exposition, St.
Louis, U.S.A., are offering a prize of 2,000 dols.
(about ^400) for an artistic design —one that can
be used as a seal for the decoration of an award
certificate, or as a poster,
either singly or collectively.

The emblem or design has
to tell a story. The design
must be expressive of the
history of the purchase of
the great Louisiana Terri-
tory by the United States
from France in 1803—an
event second only to the
signing of the Declaration
of Independence—and the
purposes of the World’s
Fair, by which will be

celebrated the centennial of the purchase.
As to form, it is suggested that a circle is
the more appropriate shape, but an oblong,
or oval, or other usually accepted form,
would not put the competitor out of court.
The design, if in relief and circular, must
have a diameter of 20 ins.; if not circular,
it must be of a rather larger dimension ; if
for a medal, the two sides should be sent;
it for a poster, the drawing must be on
canvas or carton, 24 ins. by 36 ins., with
a clear margin, the full size being 28 ins.
by 42 ins. The design may be mounted
or not, but should be without cover, glass,
or frame. In competing it is well to bear
in mind, as already inferred, that it is pro-
posed to use the prize design not only as
the official seal, but also on stationery
and for the decoration of articles, possibly
for a medal, and also for many other pur
poses. Colours, if used, are restricted to
red, blue, yellow, and white The judges
will be Fred Dielman, President of the
National Academy of Design; J. La Farge,
President of the Society of American
Artists; J. Q. A. Ward, President of the
National Sculpture Society; L. Taft,
President of the Society of Western
Artists, Chicago; Charles F. McKim,
President ot the American Institute of
Architects; Wilson Eyre, President Chapter
of American Institute of Architects; and
Professor Fortier, President of the Louisiana
Historical Society. Designs are to be de-
livered to Messrs. Budworth & Son, 424
West 52 nd Street, New York City, between
November 1st and November 5th, 1902. Fuller
information can be obtained, by letter only, from
Mr. G. F. Parker, Sanctuary House, Tothill Street,
Westminster, S.W.


The six following illustrations, together with the
plate facing page 83, form a further portion of
the series commenced in the former number of
this volume (see pages 14 to 20).