Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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Kunst und Handwerk
A.D. 1851


• Detail of the Fresco "Landing of St. Ursula". Designed and executed: Erwin Hetsch, Munich.

^ Kartonteilstück zu einem Fresko Landung der heiligen Ursula". Entwurf und Ausführung: Erwin Hetsch, /|;

with shelves of books, which visits various quarters of the
town at regulär intervals, and presents the novel spectacle
of the library Coming to the reader, instead of vice versa.
• The foundations of Munich's importance as a centre of
painting and sculpture were laid by the old Electors and
the more recentKings of Bavaria.The wonderfulcollections
of pictures, statury and objects of art which were begun
in those days now rank among the most precious in the
world. The splendid examples of architecture in so many
varied styles which are to be seen in the Bavarian Capital
are too numerous to be mentioned here, but I should like
to draw attention to some of the better known institutions
for the encouragement of painting, sculpture and the arts
and crafts, such as the Technical High School (for Archi-
tecture), the Bavarian Academy of Fine Arts, the State
School of Applied Art, the Municipal Professional Training
Schools (especially for the highly developed handicrafts),
and theRoyalNymphenburg Porcelain Factory, whichdates
from the middle of the Eighteenth Century and ranks as
the foremost establishment of its kind.

seiner Nachbarschaft, haben c
derten Werke geschaffen (Ki
öffentliche Gebäude und Prof
private Sammlungen), die einz
A Die Technische Hochschule fi
der bildenden Künste für Plasti
anstalt für angewandte Kunsl
werbe, die städt. Berufsschulei
ders für das anerkannt auf hc
werk, sind Bildungsstätten von i
die Nymphenburger Porzellan
18. Jahrh.) steht unter den Insti
derster Reihe. Die Wissenschaf
gezeichneten Lehrkräften und]
Hochschulen, an der seit 170 Jah
der Wissenschaften und sons

▲ König Ludwig I. (Anfang bi;
durch die von ihm mit weitem I
Plätze, Bauten und Sammlung«

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