Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Klimsch, Florian ; Heumüller, Marion ; Raemaekers, Daan C. M.; Peeters, Hans; Terberger, Thomas; Klimscha, Florian [Editor]; Heumüller, Marion [Editor]; Raemaekers, D. C. M. [Editor]; Peeters, Hans [Editor]; Terberger, Thomas [Editor]
Materialhefte zur Ur- und Frühgeschichte Niedersachsens (Band 60): Stone Age borderland experience: Neolithic and Late Mesolithic parallel societies in the North European plain — Rahden/​Westf.: Verlag Marie Leidorf GmbH, 2022

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Stone Age Borderland Experience (MAN 60, 2022)


Foreword - Stone Age parallel societies? 7
Florian Klimscha, Marion Heumuller, Daan C. M. Raemaekers, Hans Peeters and Thomas Terberger
Grenzganger, traders and the last hunter-gatherers of the North European Plain
Some remarks on the origin of Mesolithic pottery in northwestern Europe 11
Erwin Cziesla
Wetlands settlements and a wooden trackway: Swifterbant sites in the Dummer basin 25
Marion Heumuller, Mirjam Briel, Florian Klimscha, Andreas Kotula, Hanns Hubert Leuschner,
Reinhold Schoon and Tanja Zerl
Neolithic colonization of the southwestern Dummer basin (NW Germany) - evidence from
palaeobotanical data 45
Andreas Bauerochse and Hanns Hubert Leuschner
Lipid residue analysis of ceramics from Hude I (Lower Saxony, Germany): New data to understand
the transition to farming 61
Ozge Demirci, Alexandre Lucquin, Florian Klimscha, Oliver E. Craig and Daan C. M. Raemaekers
Two new Swifterbant settlements at Nieuwegein-Het Klooster, the Netherlands: preliminary site
interpretation and overview of human remains 85
Helle M. Molthof and Steffen Baetsen
Niedernstocken - a settlement of the Linear Pottery culture beyond the loess border
in the land of hunters and gatherers 99
Klaus Gerken, Andreas Kotula, Clemens Ludwig, Hildegard Nelson and Alexandra Philippi
Going north... The Middle Neolithic settlement of Nottuln-Uphoven (Westphalia) and the start
of the neolithisation in the lowlands 123
Christian Hulsebusch and Albrecht Jockenhbvel
Early and Middle Neolithic hoards in the area of the northern Mesolithic 135
Michael Muller and Michael Schirren
Unexpected dimensions of a Swifterbant settlement at Medel-De Roeskamp (the Netherlands) 159
Theo J. ten Anscher and Sebastiaan Knippenberg
Swifterbant and the Late Mesolithic in Westphalia 177
Bernhard Stapel
Foraging in a changing landscape - the Late Mesolithic in the coastal area of Lower Saxony 185
Svea Mahlstedt, Martina Karie and Jan F. Kegler
The Late Mesolithic in Hamburg-Boberg: inter-cultural interactions and impacts 195
Laura Thielen
Hunter-gatherer pottery from the Baltic Sea coast - some regional examples from Schleswig-Holstein 211
Sbnke Hartz