Klimsch, Florian ; Heumüller, Marion ; Raemaekers, Daan C. M.; Peeters, Hans; Terberger, Thomas; Klimscha, Florian [Editor]; Heumüller, Marion [Editor]; Raemaekers, D. C. M. [Editor]; Peeters, Hans [Editor]; Terberger, Thomas [Editor]
Materialhefte zur Ur- und Frühgeschichte Niedersachsens (Band 60): Stone Age borderland experience: Neolithic and Late Mesolithic parallel societies in the North European plain
— Rahden/Westf.: Verlag Marie Leidorf GmbH, 2022
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- Einband
- Titelblatt
- 5-6 Content
- 7-8 Klimscha, Florian; Heumüller, Marion; Raemaekers, Daan C. M.; Peeters, Hans; Terberger, Thomas: Stone Age parallel societies?
Grenzgänger, traders and the last hunter-gatherers of the North European Plain
- 11-24 Cziesla, Erwin: Some remarks on the origin of Mesolithic pottery in northwestern Europe
- 25-43 Heumüller, Marion; Briel, Mirjam; Klimscha, Florian; Kotula, Andreas; Leuschner, Hanns Hubert; Schoon, Reinhold; Zerl, Tanja: Wetlands settlements and a wooden trackway: Swifterbant sites in the Dümmer basin
- 45-59 Bauerochse, Andreas; Leuschner, Hanns Hubert: Neolithic colonisation of the southwestern Dümmer basin (NW Germany) – evidence from palaeobotanical data
- 61-83 Demirci, Özge; Lucquin, Alexandre; Klimscha, Florian; Craig, Oliver E.; Raemaekers, Daan C. M.: Lipid residue analysis of ceramics from Hüde I (Lower Saxony, Germany): New data to understand the transition to farming
- 85-97 Molthof, Helle M.; Baetsen, Steffen: Two new Swifterbant settlements at Nieuwegein-Het Klooster, the Netherlands: preliminary site interpretation and overview of human remains
- 99-122 Gerken, Klaus; Kotula, Andreas; Ludwig, Clemens; Nelson, Hildegard; Philippi, Alexandra: Niedernstöcken – a settlement of the Linear Pottery culture beyond the loess border in the land of hunters and gatherers
- 123-133 Hülsebusch, Christian; Jockenhövel, Albecht: Going north . . . The Middle Neolithic settlement of Nottuln-Uphoven (Westphalia) and the start of the neolithisation in the lowlands
- 135-157 Müller, Michael; Schirren, Michael: Early and Middle Neolithic hoards in the area of the northern Mesolithic
- 159-176 Anscher, Theo J. ten; Knippenberg, Sebastiaan: Unexpected dimensions of a Swifterbant settlement at Medel-De Roeskamp (the Netherlands)
- 177-184 Stapel, Bernhard: Swifterbant and the Late Mesolithic in Westphalia
- 185-193 Mahlstedt, Svea; Karle, Martina; Kegler, Jan F.: Foraging in a changing landscape – the Late Mesolithic in the coastal area of Lower Saxony
- 195-209 Thielen, Laura: The Late Mesolithic in Hamburg-Boberg: inter-cultural interactions and impacts
- 211-224 Hartz, Sönke: Hunter-gatherer pottery from the Baltic Sea coast – some regional examples from Schleswig-Holstein
- 225-247 Kotula, Andreas: Paths of innovation – the site Dąbki, Poland, and the early forager pottery in the Baltic Sea region
- 249-261 Kabaciński, Jacek; Czekaj-Zastawny, Agnieszka: Long distance contacts in the area of the north European plain: The Late Mesolithic and Early Neolithic in Poland and its relations to neighbouring cultures
- 263-293 Hofmann, Daniela; Peeters, Hans; Meyer, Ann-Katrin: Crosstown traffic: contemplating mobility, interaction and migration among foragers and early farmers
Changing Worlds – The Spread of the Neolithic Way of Life in the North
- 297-310 Raemaekers, Daan C. M.: A singularity in continuity? The transition to farming in northwest Europe (c. 5,000 – 3,500 calBC) re-examined from the perspective of multiculturalism
- 311-326 Amkreutz, Luc: A view from Doggerland – interpreting the Mesolithic-Neolithic transition in the wetlands of the Rhine-Meuse delta (5,500 – 2,500 calBC)
- 327-341 Gebauer, Anne Birgitte; Sørensen, Lasse: Supra-regional contacts and the earliest metallurgy in southern Scandinavia during the Mesolithic-Neolithic transition
- 343-357 Dörfler, Walter: A biological view on neolithisation
- 359-375 Müller, Johannes: A long lasting transformation: northern Late Mesolithic/Early Neolithic multi-dimensional developments (c. 4,750 – 3,800 BCE)
- 377-401 Klimscha, Florian; Neumann, Daniel: A longue durée perspective on technical innovations in the Late Mesolithic and Early Neolithic of the North European Plain
- 403-416 Philippi, Alexandra: The Schöningen group and the cultural development around 4,000 calBC
- 417-434 Knoche, Benedikt: Some remarks on the expansion of the Younger Neolithic causewayed enclosure phenomenon towards northern Germany
- 435-453 Kirleis, Wibke: Subsistence change? Diversification of plant economy during the Neolithic in northern Germany
- 455-468 Behrens, Anja; Mennenga, Moritz; Wolters, Steffen; Karle, Martina: Neolithic landscape under the bog – new investigations in the Ahlen-Falkenberger Moor, dist. Cuxhaven, Germany
- 469-472 List of authors
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