Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Modus: Prace z historii sztuki — 18.2018

DOI Artikel:
Pajor, Piotr: Kilka uwag o okolicznościach budowy i formie architektonicznej kościoła Klarysek w Starym Sączu
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in the chapel of St. Nicholas at the cathedral in Worms40, and probably not much
later in two Windows of the main nave of the Cistercian church in Salem41 and the
Dominican church in Guebwiller.42 Before 1330, the motif also appeared in the choir
of the church shared by Franciscans and Poor Clares in Kónigsfelden.43 If we omit
for the moment one significant implementation, further east, it is difficult to find
examples of this motif dating to the First quarter of the fourteenth century. It is morę
problematic to indicate the pattern for the attractive composition in the window of
the convent s choir. At this point we should recall, however, the window created at the
turn of the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries above the tympanum of the Southern
portal of the cathedral in Worms, in which three spherical triangles with pointed
trefoils were inscribed in a larger triangle44 (see: Fig. 13), and above all the motif of
three interlocking rounded trefoils inscribed in spherical triangle, applied before 1317
in the traceries of the eastern arm of the cloister next to the Cathedral of Konstanz45
(see: Fig. 14). As the main theme of the tracery, a similar composition inscribed in
a circle was probably used only in the second quarter of fourteenth century in the
Southern arm of the Basel cathedral transept.46
The church of Poor Clares in Stary Sącz is not the only building from this period
in Lesser Poland in which traceries appeared with the motif of sharpened trefoils
in spherical triangles. This particular motif is present in one of the panels Banking
the window of the eastern wali of the northern arm of the transept of the cathedral
in Kraków (see: Fig. 15). On one of the vault bosses chapel of Bishop Grot - albeit
a bit later, circa 1340 - the composition of three non-interlocking spherical triangles,
inscribed in a circle, has been used47 (see: Fig. 16). In turn, in the panels Banking one
of the Windows in the northern wali of the choir, not preserved, but convincingly
reconstructed - it seems - by Sławomir Odrzywolski48, the motif of the quatrefoil
on two lancets was used, repeated in several Windows in Stary Sącz. Considering
the similarities discussed above, it seems that the architect, and in any case the
creator of the detail for the convent church in Stary Sącz, must have been familiar
with the current trends in the architecture of the south-western extremities of the
Empire. These patterns in Stary Sącz emerged at a relatively early stage of reception
of the Rhine architecture at the turn of the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries in
Central Europę. Builders familiar with these trends appeared in Stary Sącz almost
simultaneously as in Kraków. It is Upper Rhine and Alsace - with particular refer-
ence to the workshop of the Strasbourg Cathedral - that the creators of the Kraków
cathedral choir have been traced back to for some time now.49 We would be amiss

14. Konstanz cathedral,
tracery in the eastern arm
of the cloister.
Photo by Jakub Adamski.
-» see p. 16

40 G. Binding, Masswerk, p. 265.
41 U. Knapp, Salem. Die Gebdude der ehemaligen Zisterzienserabtei und ihre Ausstattung, Stuttgart
2004, pp. 97-98.
42 R. Recht, LAlsace gothiąue de 1300 a 1365: etude darchitecture religieuse, Colmar 1974, pp. 139-140.
43 G. Binding, Masswerk, p. 293.
44 Ibidem, p. 260.
45 U. Knapp, Die Bauten des Konstanzer Miinsterbezirkes um 1300, in: Glanz der Kathedrale. 900
Jahre Konstanzer Munster, Konstanz 1989, pp. 81-82.
46 W. Gfeller, Geschichte des Maflwerks, p. 43.
47 Recently: J. Adamski, Biskupi Nanker i Jan Grot, p. 81.
48 K.J. Czyżewski, M. Walczak, Ślepe maswerki w katedrze Krakowskiej, “Studia Waweliana”, 4,

15. Kraków cathedral, blind
tracery in the eastern wali
of the northern transept.
Photo by Piotr Pajor.
16. Kraków cathedral,
vault boss chapel of bishop
Jan Grot.
Photo by Piotr Pajor.
-> see p. 17

1995, pp. 17-23.
49 See in particular T. Węcławowicz (ed.), Paul Crossley, Gothic Architecture in the Reign ofKasimir
the Great. Church Architecture in Lesser Poland 1320-1380, Kraków 1985 (Biblioteka Wawelska

Several remarks on the circumstances of the construction and architectural form...
