Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Modus: Prace z historii sztuki — 18.2018

DOI Artikel:
Demchuk, Stefaniia: Two Suppers: Illustrations by Jacob Cornelisz. van Oostsanen to Passio Domini Nostri Jesu Christi (1523) and the eucharistic controversy of the early Reformation
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One should name an important work on the early theology of Martin Luther
by Christoph Burger (“Tradition und Neubeginn. Martin Luther in seinen friihen
Jahren”, Tubingen 20i4).14Burger explored how Luther during his monastic period
and at the beginning of the Reformation critically evaluated crucial concepts of the
late medieval theology (“Gnade”, “Gottesliebe”, “Gottesfurcht”, Marian worship etc.).
Burgers detailed analysis of Netherlandish devotio modernas influence on early
Luther15 is of particular interest for the present study.
Recently, in the year of the Reformations 5ooth anniversary, Lyndal Roper madę
a successful attempt to rethink Luthers biography16 as a whole, and his early years
as theologian in particular. He analysed the controversy between reformers over
the essence of the Last supper, not only as a theological issue, but also as a personal
conflict (for example between Luther and Karlstadt).17
Lee Palmer Wandel in his important monograph “The Eucharist in the Refor-
mation. Incarnation and Liturgy” (2006)18 followed evolution in the notion and
practices of the Eucharist from the late medieval reflections on modern devotion
until Reformation and Counter-Reformation movements, not forgetting to point
out differences between regions and countries. Wandel s book remains crucial for
understanding and studying the Eucharistic controversy. L.R Wandel also edited an
indispensable “A Companion to the Eucharist in the Reformation” (2014). Contribu-
tors to the Companion scrutinized the most important spheres of the Reformations
influence: theology, practices, places, art, and sound.19
A. Nelson Burnett and N. Thompson addressed the Eucharistic controversy
from the point of view of two important reformers, whose position differed from
that of Luthers - Andreas Karlshtadt20 and Martin Bucer respectively.21
Thomas J. Davis traced the evolving interpretation of the naturę of the Eucharist,
which the Reformations leader had gone through, and identified the reasons under-
lying his dissent from the Catholic doctrine and from the symbolic interpretation
of the Swiss reformers.
Keith D. Lewis22 scrutinized the first Ziirich Disputation between Ulrich Zwingli
and Johann Faber. He researched the inception of Zwinglis radical views on the naturę
of the Eucharist. This disputation took place in January 1523 and despite its parochial
setting, it exposed the underlying agenda of disputes in the early Reformation period.
Joseph Leo Koerner in his innovative “Die Reformation des Bildes” (2006, second
edition 2017)23 explored main dimensions of interaction between the new theology
14 Ch. Burger, Tradition und Neubeginn. Martin Luther in seinen friihen Jahren, Tubingen 2014,
p. 251.
15 Ibidem, p. z8ff.
16 L. Roper, Martin Luther: Renegade and Prophet, New York 2018, p. 541.
17 Ibidem, p. 221.
18 L.P. Wandel, The Eucharist in the Reformation. Incarnation and Liturgy, Cambridge 2006, p. 306.
19 L.P. Wandel (ed.), A companion to the Eucharist in the Reformation, Leiden 2014, p. 518.
20 A.B. Nelson, Karlstadt and the Origins ofthe Eucharistic Controversy. A Study in the Circulation
ofldeas, Oxford 2011, p. 234.
21 N. Thompson, Sacrifice and Patristic Tradition in the Theology of Martin Bucer, 1534-1546,
Leiden 2005, p. 315.
22 K.D. Lewis, Unica Oblatio Christi: Eucharistic Sacrifice and the first Ziirich Disputation, “Re-
naissance and Reformation / Renaissance et Reforme, New Series / Nouvelle Serie”, 17, 1993,
No. 3, pp. 19-42.
23 J.L. Koerner, Die Reformation des Bildes, Munich 2017, p. 600.



Stefaniia Demchuk