Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Modus: Prace z historii sztuki — 18.2018

DOI Artikel:
Wójcik, Agata: „Myśl artystyczna”, która przeniknęła do „knajp”: Wnętrza restauracyjne w Starym Teatrze w Krakowie projektu artystów związanych z Towarzystwem Polska Sztuka Stosowana
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The two restaurant rooms on the second floor were designed by Czajkowski
(see: Fig. 12-14). They were furnished with pieces similar to those created by the
artist for the buffet room. In the surviving photographs, we can recognize the same
chairs with and without armrests. They accompany the tables, which are covered
with tablecloths, and we can suspect that they are similar to the table from Reymont s
dining room. The designer created the table of a simple form - a rectangular top,
tapering legs narrowing towards the base, a decorative element being the ending
of the frame, referring to folk furniture. The sofa with a padded backrest and pad-
ded seat complemented the set, with its volute-shaped bentwood armrest, and the
crowning bar finished in a similar way as the table frame. Czajkowski also added
a mirror to the suitę of furniture, set in a simple frame with a console. The rooms
differed in the polychrome paintings and in the colour tonę in which they were
arranged. In the First, the walls were painted the colour of intense yellow, and the
frieze consisted of murals showing alternately placed black or grey cats and white
vases with pink flowers combined with garlands against a golden background. The
upholstery covers were pink. In the second room, the walls were also painted yellow,
but the frieze showed scenes from the life of a big-city restaurant, against the golden
background, as was reported. In the photographs we see ladies in evening dresses,
hats, and stoles; and men in tailcoats and bowlers. Some sit at the table, but others,
already very cheerful, are leaving the premises, often stumbling. In this particular
room, the upholstery was blue.16
As it was postulated, most of the work in the implementation of the interiors was
entrusted to the local workshops and factories. The furniture was madę at Andrzej
Sydors workshop, and the mahogany furniture at the workshop of Michał Piela.
Metalwork was done by Karol Uznański, the kilims were woven in Antonina Sikor-
skas studio, the upholstery was madę by Stefan Iglicki, and the wali paintings were
madę by Jan Kloch. Joachim Steinberg s joinery, Józef Górecki s factory (manufactur-
ers of sheet metal), Tomasz Góreckis warehouse (curtain poles), K. Grunwald and
Pieniążek (windows and mirrors), Z. Schónberg (marble top), and Piotr Seio (metal
capitals in furniture), and Jan Butelski (sheet metal) also took part in the works.17
On September 23,1906, the inauguration of the new interiors of the Stary Teatr
took place, during which Mayor Juliusz Leo thanked and expressed his admiration
for the work of the artists, and on behalf of the tpss, Warchałowski raised toasts
in honour of the City Council.18 The implementation of this project also brought
other prestigious commissions that the tpss were hoping for. The Mayor of Kraków
ordered the design for three rooms in his own apartment. The design of Czajkowskis
hall, Tichys living room and Wojtyczkos dining room were selected during an
in-house competition. The Archduke Karol Stefan from Żywiec also turned to the
tpss, and commissioned the design for two rooms from Tichy and Czajkowski.19
Three tendencies can be seen in the restaurant interiors at the Stary Teatr -
whereas the different sources of inspiration for artists associated with the tpss did
not clash with each other, but coexisted and interconnected. The main inspiration
was folk art, apparent primarily in Trojanowskis and Wojtyczkos designs, but also
16 Ibidem.
17 Stary Teatr, p. 1.
18 Ibidem, p. 2.
19 v. sprawozdanie Towarzystwa „Polska Sztuka Stosowana” w Krakowie. Rok 1906, Kraków 1907,
p. 11.


12. Józef Czajkowski, res-
taurant room in the Stary
Teatr in Kraków, photo
from the collections of the
Cabinet of Engravings of
the Academy of Fine Arts
in Kraków.
13. Józef Czajkowski, res-
taurant room in the Stary
Teatr in Kraków, photo
from the collections of the
Cabinet of Engravings of
the Academy of Fine Arts
in Kraków.
-» see p. 130
14. Józef Czajkowski, arm-
chairs from the restaurant
room in the Stary Teatr in
Kraków, photo from the
collections of the Cabinet of
Engravings of the Academy
of Fine Arts in Kraków.
->see p.131

“Artistic thought” which permeated “common taverns”...
