Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Modus: Prace z historii sztuki — 18.2018

DOI Artikel:
Styrna, Natasza: Z prowincji do metropolii – przypadek Saszy Blondera
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From provinces
to the metropolis -
the case of Sasza

Szasza Blonder (1909-1949, see: Fig. 1) was one of the most active and talented
members of the pre-war First Kraków Group. Despite that fact, little has been
written about his life and work to datę, and his truły interesting accomplishments
have not been subjected to any in-depth analysis. These two motifs, the work, and
lifes destiny, in the case of Blonder are very much intertwined. His drawings and
paintings are filled with figures of friends, family members, his home equipment,
that he always had at hand, as well as landscapes from his homeland. In each of
these cases, the artist betrayed a very emotional attitude towards the subjects that
he had been studying. He was an expressionist when portraying people with whom
he came into contact, and he followed similar patterns when treating the world
around him, the landscapes moving in front of his eyes, the urban scenes appear-
ing in his works, and even the most banał objects surrounding him. At the same
time, he was able to keep the distance - for him, all these were primarily nutrients,
which he fed his painterly art with, to satisfy the need of expressing himself, to get
the excess of observations out if his system.
He created with admirable passion. When we look at his drawings, we might
say - feverishly, even. In his works, we sense some kind of greed to describe every-
thing that was within the rangę of his sensitivity - even better, morę clearly, trying
different means of expression, sometimes reaching for completely different stylistic
conventions, in order to discover their potential and choose the most appropriate
language of expression. This could also be said to be true about the biography of
the artist, which was fuli of unexpected turns, moments of anxiety and conflict,
dilemmas that he tried to cope with - the story of a man who was looking for
his place on earth, probably unsuccessfully, tossed between the Podolia province,
whence he came, between Paris, Kraków, Warsaw, and other places during his
relatively short life.
What pushed him away from Poland towards Paris so early in the day? Why did
he come back, only to leave again? Why did he prefer to study in Kraków instead
of in Paris? If his studies and artistic career in Poland had been attractive for him

prace z historii sztuki
art history journal
xviii, 2018

Wersja polska - str. 151


1. Sasza Blonder, photo
taken in Chortkiv on Sep-
tember 15,1927, from the
collection of Helene Feydy
Blondel and Marc Blondel.
-> see p.151

