Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Modus: Prace z historii sztuki — 18.2018

DOI Artikel:
Betlej, Andrzej; Dworzak, Agata: Jubileusz siedemdziesięciolecia urodzin Profesora Jana K. Ostrowskiego
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photo by Adam Koprowski
-> see p.174

After greeting all guests, the Director of the Institute, professor Marek Walczak,
who chaired the occasion, read the congratulatory addresses addressed to Profes-
sor Ostrowski by professor Elżbieta Witkowska-Zaremba, Director of the Polish
Academy of Sciences Institute of Art, and by professor Jan Wrabec.
The laudation in honour of Professor Ostrowski was given by professor Andrzej
Betlej and professor Piotr Krasny, two of His closest Disciples. The task they un-
dertook was not at all easy, because of the extremely rich and diversified scientific
output and career of Professor Ostrowski which escapes any attempts at a synthesis.
Thus, they emphasized the most important aspects of their Teacher s activity and,
above all, His creation of the “school” of research into the Polish cultural heritage
in the former Eastern territories of Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, and the
education of many researchers who have pursued various scientific topics under His
direction, sometimes distant from His own interests, which resulted in the creation
of numerous ma, PhD, and postdoctoral dissertations. Andrzej Betlej and Piotr
Krasny also outlined the main research fields undertaken by Professor Ostrowski
himself, including studies on Piotr Michałowski s paintings, the subject of Old Polish
portrait style, as well as art within the former borderlands of the Polish-Lithuanian
Commonwealth, stressing that they all combine profound sense of patriotism, the
quest of truth, and a model scholarly methodology for art history research.
Best wishes and gratitude to Professor Ostrowski were expressed by professor
Wojciech Nowak, Rector of the Jagiellonian University, who wrote in his address:
“Jagiellonian University is also your Alma Mater, Professor, with whom you as-
sociated your professional life. At the same time, as the head of one of the most
important museums in Poland - the Wawel Royal Castle-State Art Collection -
equipped with an extraordinary passion of a true scholar, you perfectly combine
your numerous responsibilities. Your extraordinary energy, your comprehensive
knowledge and highly successful professional activities make Jagiellonian Univer-
sity proud to count you among its academic community every single day - and
not only on such solemn occasion.” Professors Jan Święch and Stanisław Sroka
also joined in gratitude for Professor Ostrowski s scientific and didactic work. On
behalf of the Jagiellonian University s Faculty of History and its community, they
presented their congratulatory address, emphasizing Professor Ostrowskis mer-
its - especially in the field of research into the art of the former Polish-Lithuanian
Commonwealth borderlands. Professor Jan Święch spoke thus: “Your outstanding
scientific achievements pertaining to research into the art of the Baroque era, Pol-
ish painting of the nineteenth century, in particular the work of Piotr Michałowski,
then into Old Polish portrait, and above all into the art and culture in the Eastern
Borderlands of the former Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, which resulted in
23 volumes of the monumental series Materials for the History ofReligious Art,
Roman-Catholic Churches and Monasteries infhe Former Rus’ Voivodeship, will
remain the everlasting achievements of Polish and European science.” The deans
also presented the Professor with the occasional seal of the University, and thanked
Him for the admirable passion, consistency, and singularity of purpose, which he
applied to making Polish art famous overseas. Later, professor Tadeusz Żuchowski
read a specially prepared congratulatory letter in Latin.
The culmination point of the ceremony was presenting the Professor with a me-
moriał book dedicated to Him. Monumental Festschrift entitled Velis quod possis.
Studies in art history offered to Professor Jan Ostrowski, edited by Andrzej Betlej,


Professor Jan K. Ostrowski’s seventieth birthday celebration