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Instytut Historii Sztuki <Danzig> [Hrsg.]; Zakład Historii Sztuki <Danzig> [Hrsg.]
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Girsztowt, Aleksandra: The book collection of the Loitz family in the Elbląg library: Current State of research, overview of the collection, and a supplement to the list of prints
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Aleksandra Girsztowt
Instytut Historii, Uniwersytet Gdański
ORCID: 0000-0003-3400-1813

The Book Collection of the Loitz Family in the
Elbląg Library: Current State of Research, Overview
of the Collection, and a Supplement
to the List of Prints
Słowa kluczowe: Biblioteka Elbląska, Loitz, inwentarz, księgozbiór, zainteresowania
Keywords: Elbląg Library, Loitz, inventory, book collection, reading interests
The Elbląg (Ger. Elbing) Library, the successor to the historic Library of Elbląg
Gymnasium, preserves a collection of books that may be linked to the Loitzes,
a family of Szczecin (Ger. Stettin) and Gdańsk (Ger. Danzig) merchant bankers.
The collection and the state of its preservation have been the subject of research
in the past, both as the focus of research interest in and of themselves and as
a topic on the margins of broader considerations about early modern bourgeois
book collections and the history of the Elbląg Library.1 Conservation work
carried out in the library, and its cataloguing, have made it possible to supple-
ment the previous findings. Instrumental in this was analysis of an inventory
preserved in the State Archive in Gdańsk, drawn up after the death of Simon II
Loitz, in which his book collection, inter alia, was very carefully detailed.2 In this
paper, I summarize the state of research on the Loitz legacy preserved in the
collections of the Elbląg Library, profile the most interesting of the volumes,
and extend the list of prints hitherto known to include newly found items from
the collection of this family.
1 Jerzy Sekulski, Biblioteka Gimnazjum Elbląskiego (1601-1781), PhD dissertation, Univer-
sity of Gdańsk Archives, Gdańsk-Elbląg 1981; idem, Książka w Elblągu do roku 1772, Gdańsk 1990;
idem, Biblioteka Gimnazjum Elbląskiego w XVII-XVIII wieku [in:] Biblioteka Elbląska 1601-2001.
Materiały z sesji naukowej zorganizowanej z okazji 400-lecia Biblioteki Elbląskiej, Elbląg 23 XI2001
r, red. W. Długokęcki, Elbląg 2001; Krystyna Podlaszewska, Prywatne biblioteki mieszczan elblą-
skich w XVI i w pierwszej połowie XVII wieku, “Studia o Bibliotekach i Zbiorach Polskich” 1993,
nr 5, pp. 47-69; Renata Filipkowska, Stefan i Szymon Loitzowie w świetle swojego księgozbioru,
MA thesis, Nicolaus Copernicus University, Toruń 1990.
2 Archiwum Państwowe w Gdańsku [hereinafter: Inventory], 300, 4/28, pp. 501-521.