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[July tc December, 18G7.



2 What Mr. Wkalley had best do with his Hot Murphy. !

—Biots had taken place at Birmingham, arising out of some
violent Anti-Popery Lectures delivered by Murphy. Me.
Wfat.t.tt supported him and took the chair at one of the

3 Essence of Parliament [Monday).—“ Colonel Wilson
Patter [now Lord Winmarleigh] joins the Ministry as
Chancellor of the Exchequer.”


“ The Return from Victory.'— ‘ Home after Victory,” 35
by Mr. Calderon, R.A., was one of the popular pictures in
this year’s Academy Exhibition. Mr. Disraeli’s “Victory”
was his Reform Bill just passed the House of Commons. He
is escorted by two figures representing the Morning Star
and Standard newspapers, and welcomed by Lord Derby.

Must not he Repeated.—See “ Essence of Parliament ” 37
{Monday), p. 22.

5 / The Road to Sheffield. \ The outrages and acts of

, ] I The Model Trades’ ! intimidation practised by
Unionist. i Trades’ "Unionists at

11 Whittles v. Wittols. j Sheffield led to the ap-
pointment of the Sheffield Trades’ Unions Outrage Com-
mission, which commenced the Inquiry in that town on Juiae
3, and closed it July 7.

10 The Shortest Theatrical Criticism on Record.—Miss
Kate Terry, who soon afterwards retired from the stage
on her marriage, was admirable as “Dora” in Mr. Be ape’s
Play so entitled.

15 Government Hospitality.—The Viceroy of Egypt
arrived in London on the 6th of July, and took up his quar-
ters in the Earl of Dudley’s mansion in Park Lane,
which his Lordship had placed at the disposal of the Go-
vernment for the reception of his Highness. The original
intention was that he should be lodged at Claridge’s Hotel
(See “Essence of Parliament,” Tuesday, p. 12).

/ Pasha and Padisha. \ Besides the Pasha of
; The Illustrious Conva- Egypt (Bee last note) the
(lescent. j late Sultan of Turkey

(Abdul Aziz) was also at this time in London on a visit to
the Queen, staying at Buckingham Palace.

23 Worthies in Wax-work.—[See also “ Arcades Ambo,”
p. 30, “ Criminal Popularity,” p. 100, &c.) Broadhead,
Crookes, and Hallam, three members of the Saw Grinders’
Union, engaged in the concerting or perpetration of the
atrocious outrages which had lately been under inves-
tigation at Sheffield. As to Professor Beesley, see pp.





A New Commandment.—Bishop Baring, of Durham.,
a resolute opponent of Ritualism and Ritualistic vest-

Arrangements for re-

Abo v e 2,000 Belgian V olun-
teers visited London this
month, invited by a Com-
mittee of our own Rifle-
men, in return for the
hospitality shown toEn-

ceiving the Belgians next

A Fact.

The British Lion to the

glishmen the year before in Brussels. They were brough
over in the Serapis, entertained by the Lord Mayob
inspected by the Prince of Wales at Wimbledon, am
invited to a splendid ball at the Agricultural Hall, Is
lington. Lut some of the arrangements for their receptioi
weie defective, and the Guildhall luncheon seems to hav<
been thought unsatisfactory.

The Real Master of the Ceremonies to our Distin- 38
guished Guests.—The weather had been very rainy
while the Sultan, the Viceroy, and the Belgians were in
England. Sir Edward Cust (since retired) was the Court
Master of the Ceremonies.

The Naval Review.—The fleet was reviewed at Spit- 39
head by the Queen in the presence of the Sultan and
Viceroy. The weather was wet.

Ecclesiastical.—Bass & Co.’s great brewery is at Bur- 43
ton- upon-Trent.

A Leap in the Dark.—This phrase became historical 47
from its adoption by Lord Derby in his speech in the
Lords on the passing of the Reform Bill [See “Essence of
Parliament” [Tuesday), p. 65.

( A Solemn Declaration.

. Much Ado about No-
(thing, &c.

City Article.—The new.provision market was Columbia 60
Market, Bethnal Green, which Miss (now Baroness) Burdett
C’outts had, with her accustomed munificence, undertaken
to establish. Unfortunately it did not prove a success.

From Egyptian Hall.—The Suez Canal, M. De Les- 60
seps’ great project, was now in operation, the first ship hav-
ing passed through it on the 17th of February.

Lines by a Competition Waller.—This parody of Wat,- G4
ler’s “ Go, Lovely Rose,’’was suggested by the circumstance
of Sir W. A. Rose (Lord Mayor the year the Princess of
Wales arrived in England) receiving knighthood at the
instance of the Conservative Government of which he was a
supporter, long after his Mayoralty.

Knight Thoughts.—The Sheriffs, Waterlow and Ly- 71
cett, had received knighthood. (As to “The Great Rose
Show,” see before, note to p. 64.)

Perhaps.—Refers to the “ National Portrait Exhibition,” 72
at South Kensington.

Must he His.—The “Member for Caine” was Mr. 74

Feat Unique. — Macmillan had published Shooting 81
Niagara, by Thomas Carlyle, who lives at Chelsea.

Bordering on Distraction.—The Queen, when visiting 83
the Scottish Borders, on her way to Balmoral, was the guest
of the Duke of Roxburghe, at Floors Castle.

Punch s Dream of the Dead Season.—See Verses, 87
p. 92.

) See “ Essence of Parliament” 49
j [Tuesday), p. 32. 50
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