Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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December 28, 1867.]



‘ Aboard the Anglican,” 126
Abyssinian Bore (The), 238
Address to an Elementary Substance, 26*1
Admiralty as Usual (The), 232
Advice to an Emperor, 225
Advice to Young Bachelors, 18
All at Sea ; or Royal Receptions, 40
American Beggardom, 168
Amongst the Masses, 223, 238
Annie’s Answer to Punch, 166
Anodynes in the Workhouse, 17
Anti- Fenian Irishman (The), 252
Apologists for Dirty Drink, 187
Arrangements for Receiving the Belgians
next Year, 31

Arrest of Sinalunga (The), 133
As “ You Were ” at the War-Office, 135
Atalanta in Camden Town, 38
Augmentation of Curates, 204
*' Away went Gilpin,” 188
Bad Look-out for Wine-Bibbers, 192
Beales out of Place, 111
Beales Prepared for Battle, 50
Beatitude made Easy, 73
Bench and the Bar (The), 72
Berkeley Square, 5 p.m., 76
Bigoted Middlesex Beaks (The), 29
Bird and the Baby (The), 121
Birds and the Pheasant (The), 146
Black and White, 119
Black but Bright Picture for Ireland (A),

Blaise ! Blazes ! 145, 174
Bleeding the Sick Man, 158
Blessing for Bankers’ Clerks (A), 255
Bless the Male Line (Limited), 152
Boobies at Boston (U.S.), 89
Bordering on Distraction, 83
Brave Little Man (The), 145
Brennus-Bonaparte, 249
Bridegroom’s Lament (The), 186
Britannia’s Baby House, 4
British and Foreign Fashions, 158
British Lion to the Belgian (The), 34
British Peace Insurance, 31
Bullets and Brains, 143
Burying the Hatchet, 86
Butcherly Battue (A), 213
By the Sea, 115

Cap and Bells on Science and Art, 81
Caps for Single Combat, 208
Carbonic Acid or Sermon ? 187
Card to Conspirators (A), 241
Case for Compensation (A), 210
Cause and Effect, 43
Caution to Correspondents, 10
Celticana, 121

Chancellor of the Exchequer at Home, 124

Change of Hair for Ladies, 85

Character Insurance Company (The), 64

Check to King Mob, 220

Chinese Ancient Concerts, 155

Chivalry, or Chiselry ? 49

Choice of Evils (A), 132

Church Congress, 165

City intelligence, 89

College of Disease (The), 8

Comic American Intelligence, 176

Commemoration Recollections, 71
“ Communicated,” 171
Company with a Queer Name (A), 203
Competition Wallow (A), 93
Confessional Uncontrolled (The), 113
Continental Gossip, 100
Controversial Anatomy, 71
Conversation on Horse (A), 202
Conversion by Barley, 99
Conveyance by the King of Prussia, 126
Cookery of Useful Knowledge, 256
Cosmetics and their Like, 184
Costermonger among the Coronets (The)

County Court Dress, 219
Court Dress Reform. 7
Courtliness in Common Life, 64
Coutts and Peabody, 33
Criminal Popularity, 100
Criminals before Constables, 24
Crown for Crown, 125
Crops and Harvest of 1867 (The), 94
Crystal Concerts, 227
Dance the Garottcha, 8
Dawdle at Dieppe (a), 125
Day of Congresses (The), 116
Decorated Cheats, 95
Diary of a Dairyman, 251
‘‘Did Newton discover Gravity? ” 129
“ Differing Doctors,” 193
Difficulties of Game-Preserving. S4
Diffusion of Ignorance (The), 177
Double-Edged daw (a), 119
Doves in Peacocks’ Feathers ! 136
Dramatic Medley for the Dramatic Fete
(A), 17

Dream after Goose (A), 143
Dr. Manning’s Whole Hog, 2
Dry Work, 62

Dupanloup on Garibaldi, 144
Ecclesiastical News, 94
“■ Educate i Educate !” 245
Eisteddfod (The), 110
Epicurus Afioat, 52

Epicurus in the Field of Mars, 201, 213
Episcopal Perfume, 203
Epitaph by a Lady, 122
Employment for Somebody, 220
Entomological Finery, 164
Encouragement of Caution, 7
Evenings from Home, 54, 161, &c.
Excisemen Going to the Dogs, 59
Explanation, 92

Explosive Force of Sympathy (The), 261

Eyesore and Mysore, 144

FaGIN’s Academy, 185

Fancies for the Fleet, 216, 219

Fancy Disqualification (A), 42

Farewell to Kate Terry (A), 96

Fashionable Change of Hair, 2

Fashionable Intelligence, 62

Fashionable Reform (A). 113

Fashionable Avicide, 239

Fat Pauper Show (A), 255

Feat for the Roman League (A), 133

Fenianism and Hemp, 129

Fenians and their Friends (The), 177

Fenians’ Mock Funeral (The), 262
Few Friends (A), 84, SW, 104, <fee.
Fiendish Outrage on the French Police,

Fifty Nimrods Wanted, 111

Fogs and Freedom, 231

Forgeries of the Fair, 167

Freedom in France, 223

Free Kirk Rampant ( The), 103

Fresh from the Fens, 196

Frizzle and Fizzle, 152

From our Foreign Office, 227

Funebral Finery, 109

Fun for British Tax-Payers, 192

Future Italian Opera (A), 197

Gastronomy in Lambeth, 175

Geese upon the Turf, 226

“ Gentlemen, Look Out! ” 69

Golden Shorthorns (The), 184

Good Advice, 45

Good Job for Garibaldi (A), 152

Good Meat Ill-Dressed, 27

Good News for Bad Writers, 129

Good Old Comic Times (Tue), 166

Good Work for the Office of Works (A), 124

Goose and Gander, 34

Great Coming Down (A), S3

Groan from Below (A), 155

Groans from Underground, 18S

Growls from Guildhall, 153

Grunts over the First Column, 167

Hangman’s Practical Director (The), 157

Hard Words for an Old Woman, 231

Hart who is a Trump (A), 44

Hats v. Heads, 2

Henry W. Iowa to A. C. London, 167
Hint from the Whitebait (A), 79
Hint to Publishers (A), 89
Holiday Exercises, 102
Holy See and Science (The), 19
Honesty is the best Policy, 105
Hope Besting on an Anchor, 29
How are you at Romsey ? 73
Howl from Hackney (A), 28
How they Spend their Holidays, 171
How to Cloak a Meaning, 193
Hurrah for Ould Ireland, 39
Hygeia and Hymen, 69
Hymn over Disraeli, 80
Icolmkill to the Rescue, 95
If the Cap Fits, Wear it,” 17
Ignoramus, 181

“ Ignoramus ” at the Cattle Show, 250
Ill-Used Archbishop (An), 142
important Works in the Press, 83
Improvement at the Home Office, 217
Indignation Meeting of Roughs, 28
Indispensable Officer (An), 136
Inns of Court Pocket Borough (The), 53
In re Butcher, 185
Interesting Ceremony (An), 76
Irregular Harvest Ode (An), 154
I See them Dancing, 83
Justice, her Scales, and other Peoples’,

Justice’s Two Scales, 217
Kindly Warning (A), 143
King Mob, 257

King Theodore, 134

Kmght Thoughts, 71

Knotty Point (A), 43

Ladies’ Slates, 146

“ Lady's Chain,” 236

Land of the Snob (The), 41

Late Panic (The), 23

Leaders for a Local Paper, 41

Leap in the Dark (A), 46

Lessons by Judge Lush, 163

Lesson to Grumblers (A), 228

Life and Death of Curragh Wren The), 175

“ Light the Beales-Fire,” 82

“ Lily Maxwell Triumphant,” 229

Lines by a Competition Waller, 64

Liquor and Longevity, 165

Logic of Fashion (The), 186

Long Vacation (The), 139

Lord Mayor’s Lottery (The), 194

Lowe Ideas, 207

“ Man in Brass” Avenged (The), 178
Manslaughter h-la-Mode, 113
Marriage in High Life, 85
Martyrs and Martyred, 227
Marvellous Event at Hull, 193
“ Masks and Faces,” 146
Members and Marked Men, 217
Memorandum for Magistrates, 176
Message from Gully’s Ghost (A), 171
Mexican Thieves, 55
Mice m the Cabinet (The), 7
Michael Faraday, 101
Midas Modernised, 60
Miracles of Mechanism, 206
Misadventure called Manslaughter, 90
Mo tel Trades’ Unionist (The), 10
Modest Demand (A), 193
Mongers of the Borough (The), 94
More New Novels, 192
Mr. Punch on a Brobdingnagian Barrow,

Mr. Punch’s Book of Beauty, 60
Mr. Titwillow in Paris, 131, 141
Much Ado about Nothing at the New
Adelphi aud in the Lords, 50
Much Ado about Nothing in the City. 129
Musical Finery, 196
Music and the Drama, 100
Music of the Very Future, 116
My “ Junius ” Dream, 261
Mysterious Organ (A), 56
Natural History Gossip,

Naval Review (The), 39

Neglected Invention (A), 11

New Books, 177

New Duty (The), 51

New Parisian Pieces, 256

New Traffic Act (The), 194

No Bookworm, 139

Noes and Ayes, 82

“ No Lamps ! ” 241

Non Compos and Compos, 71

Not a Bad Hit, 82

Note on Reform, 93

Note on the Fifth of November, 19S

Not too Common, 260

Novel Idea (A), 30

Nursery Saw (A), 125



Weitere Titel/Paralleltitel



Aufbewahrungsort/Standort (GND)
Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
Inv. Nr./Signatur
H 634-3 Folio






Künstler/Urheber/Hersteller (GND)
Keene, Charles
um 1867
Entstehungsdatum (normiert)
1862 - 1872
Entstehungsort (GND)






Sammlung Eingang




Thema/Bildinhalt (GND)
Satirische Zeitschrift
Narr <Motiv>
Commedia dell'arte
Punch <Fiktive Gestalt>


Rechte am Objekt


Künstler/Urheber (GND)
Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
Digitales Bild
Public Domain Mark 1.0
Punch, 53.1867, Index, S. 265