Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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Rzeźba dekoracyjna Sukiennic krakowskich z okresu restauracji i przebudowy...


The sculptural decoration, likewise the architectonic form given to the Cloth
Hall during the restoration, reflects the epoch with its artistic trends and conser-
vators’ theories.

As far as the ideas and fonnal conception of the sculptural decoration are
concemed, Matejko, whose voice was decisive, enjoyed a greater freedom than
the architect, hampered by demands of the town administration.

The role of the historie building and its connection with the city life for
over five centuries are illustrated in a series of busts on capitals of the Western
projection. By far the most interesting, these sculptures, treated realistically, are
presented in a variety of ways in what concems not only the facial type or ex-
pression but also costumes - each detail of clothing is rendered here in conform-
ity with the epoch to which a given person belonged.

The restored Cloth Hall has no architectural analogies in Poland or in
Europę and a visible tracę of Jan Matejko’s talent in its decoration only enhances
its exceptionality.
