Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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In 1999, following a longer break, we returned to publishing our Museums periodical
called Papers ofthe National Museum in Kraków, keeping them separate from the Reports
that come out in our institution too. We then launched The New Series of both these con-
tinuing projects. Two volumes of the New Series Papers have been put in print so far: one
in 1999, and the other in 2004.

Six years later, a new, third volume is available for the Readers. Before, several new rules
were defined for futurę publications.

Firstly, the Editors' Committee was set up in the Museum, composed of academic lu-
minaries. This group helps the Museum management considerably in shaping our institu-
tions new publishing policy, and reviews the key publications.

Secondly, Curator Dr. Katarzyna Płonka-Bałus was appointed coordinator of the Pa-
pers to draw up a generał concept for each upcoming volume and to do the editorial work.
Mrs. Płonka-Bałus has suggested revising the format of the periodical by opening it to
specialists from outside the Museum and to texts discussing not only - yet above all - our
institution and its collections. We gave the green light to the proposal, making a reser-
vation, however, that topics of the Papers should relate to art, art history and museum
management. New in this volume are book and exhibition reviews.

The third change is that we will make each volume focus on a single subject to give the
Reader a multiple perspective on it.

This is exactiy the way we composed this volume as the first publication in which our
Museum pays tribute to its great benefactor, Feliks Manggha Jasieński on the 80th an-
niversary of the collectors death. It has also been fuli ninety years sińce he donated his
exquisite collection, he had developed throughout his lifetime, to the National Museum in
Kraków. We therefore decided to celebrate Jasieński and his gift not only with an attractive
album but also with results of our grassroots work, so to say, publishig the first complete
catalogue of artworks offered to us by Jasieński. This several-years-long project should be
finalised shortly after 2011, the year of Mangghas 150th birthday.

The third volume of the Papers is a harbinger of that monographic series. Presenting
the content of the book its editor calls it “a token of appreciation and gratitude for a legacy
we came into”: a legacy that the National Museum in Kraków has been taking great care
of for nearly a hundred years now.

Zofia Gołubiew
Director of the National Museum in Kraków