Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Sonnini de Manoncourt, Charles Nicolas Sigisbert
Travels in upper and lower Egypt (Band 3) — London, 1807

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and lower egypt. I93

to Biinouh. If you wish lo be supplied with excel-
lent coffee, you must go to one of these three places
to find it. When once it arrived at Cairo, or had
crossed the Nile, it was no longer pure. Merchants
were waiting there to mix it with the common cof-
fee of America. At Alexandria it underwent a se-
cond mixture by the factors who forwarded it to
Marseilles, where they did not fail again to adulte-
rate it; so that the pretended Mokka coffee, which is
used in France, is often the growth of the American
colonics, with about a third, and seldom with a
half of the genuine coffee of Yemen. When I was
at Kous an hundred weight of this coffee, unadul-
terated, and of the first quality, cost in that place
fourteen and a half chequins of Egypt, which is
one hundred and five franks of our money (about
4I. 6s. id. sterling), or tenpence halfpenny the

If to prime cost is added the expense of convey-
ing it to Cairo, the duties which are paid there, the
charges for loading and unloading, those for trans-
porting it to Alexandria, freight to Marseilles, the
exorbitant and arbitrary duties with which that
commodity is there loaded, as the importation of it
was prohibited in France, and if to these are added
commission and the expense of grinding, how is it
possible to believethat they should have real Mokka

vol. nr. o coffee