Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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and lower egypt. 1^3


Italian monks — Cophtish cure— Excessive heat —
Bardis—Down—Monks of Farschout—Arabian
•prince—Farschout—Author s boat put in requisi-
tion—Justice •which the Arabian prince ordered to
be done him—Intolerance on the part of a Mame-
bic—Departure from Sahet—Rafts of paslecas—
Crocodile—Hon, Diospojis-parva—Kafr Essa'iad
i—Rafts of earthenivare—Birds—Dogs—Dan-
gerous passage of the Nile—Accident which befell
the author's boat—El Bab, another dangerous

Before I quitted Echmimm, I was obliged to have
a moment of correspondence with the Italian
missionaries, of whom I had never once thought,
and whom I had not seen all the time of my re-
sidence. The master of the boat, who had car-
ried me to Stout, had returned to Cairo, from
whence he was to take in a cargo for Upper Egypt.
He had promised to bring mc whatever might be
intrusted to his conveyance for my use, from the
country of Francs. We had agreed thai the con-
vent of monks at Echmimm should be the place at
which he might find me, or at least gain intelli-
gence respecting me. I wrote then to the superior,

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