Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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tiality common enough, and in which mere animal
passion is every thing, while the heart is totally
unaffected. Offended pride lays strong hold of a
hreast once inflamed, and which knows nothing
of love but its transports. Dissembling as well
as cruel, they instil a slow but mortal poison into
the blood of a faithless husband. Examples of a
revenge, which even the delirium of an amorous
passion cannot excuse, are daily to be seen.
Their blows are meditated in silence, and they
indulge coolly, and in large draughts, the dreadful
pleasure of depriving an unhappy being of his life.
I have not actually witnessed what I am just now
going to relate, but they are facts which have
been unanimously attested to me, and which are ,
considered in the country as certain and un-

These women, desperately wicked, are not
willing to inflict a quick and sudden death ; with
this their remorseless jealousy would not be grati-
fied; but they bring on a gradual decay more in-
tolerable than death itself. In themselves they
find the poison which promotes their views. The
periodical discharge, which Nature employs to
preserve their existence and health, becomes, in
their hands, a mean of destroying others. Mixed
with some food, a portion of this discharge is a
poison which immediately throws him who swal-

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