Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Sonnini de Manoncourt, Charles Nicolas Sigisbert
Travels in upper and lower Egypt (Band 3) — London, 1807

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side, and about half a league distant from Sahetf
where I had so many disputes with the Mameluc
who commanded there, and with the master of my
boat. This spot had almost proved fatal to me.
I found it in the most violent state of commotion.
Whole villages, taking advantage of the confu-
sion caused by the war, which was on the point of
bursting out in Upper Egypt, had broken out into
open rebellion, and refused to pay their tribute,
which, uncertain where victory would incline, they
were apprehensive of being twicecalled uponto dis-
charge. Several of these little colonies had taken
up arms to resist the Kiaschef of Basjoura, who was
marching against them to reduce them to order :
that of Kelhe was among the number. Scarcely had
we set foot on his territory, when, deceived by our
garb, thirty or forty fellahs, armed with lances and
sabres, fell upon us. We had advanced without
distrust, and were without the means of sufficient
defence to resist so numerous a force. I was reduced
to the only alternative which remained, to reason
with a people who are little susceptible of under-
standing the language of reason. However, after
having inquired why they treated as enemies a few
peaceable strangers, I perceived that they had mis-
taken us for the followers of the Kiaschef, against
whom they were arming ; it was no difficult matter
to undeceive them, and they consented, though
not without some trouble, to release us.
