Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studia i materiały archeologiczne — 11.2003

DOI article:
Tomas, Agnieszka: Flasze gliniane z budowli komendantury w Novae
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Agnieszka Tomas

1987 G. Kuzmanov, Ceramica del primo periodo bizantino a Ratiaria, in:
Atti del Convegno internazionale sul Limes (Decennalia Ratiariensia,
Vidin 1985), Ratiariensia 3-4, 1987, p. 111-118.
1991 G. Kuzmanov, Ein spatantikes Wirtschaftsgebaude, in: G. von Billów,
D. Schieferdecker, H. Heinrich eds., Iatrus-Krivina, Spatantike
Befestigung und friimittelcilteriche Siedlung an der unteren Donem,
Band IV (Ergebnisse der Ausgrabungen 1975-1984), Berlin,
p. 60-126.
1992 G. Kuzmanov, Die lokale Gefasskeramik, in: Die spatantike
Befestigungen von Sadovec: Ergebnisse der deutch-bulgarisch-
bsterreichischen Ausgrabungen 1934-37, S. Uenze ed., Miinchen
1992, p. 201-222.
Kovalevskaja, Tomas, Sarnowski
1999 L. Kovalevskaja, A. Tomas, T. Sarnowski, Flasze gliniane z principia
w Novae, Novensia 12, p. 107-126.
1938 A. Radnoti, A Pannóniai Római Bronzedenyek [Dissertationes
pannonicae, II, 6], Budapest.
1999 T. Sarnowski, Die Principia von Novae im spdten 4. undfriihen 5. Jh.,
in: Der romische Limes an der unteren Donau von Diokletian bis
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1976 A.O. Shepard, Ceramics for Archaeologist, Washington.

Clay flasks from legionary headąuarters building in Novae
The uniąue finding of clay flasks was discovered in the Roman legionary
fortress and early Byzantine city of Novae on Danube (Moesia Inferior).
Forty two complete flasks and fragments of another 250 were found in one of
the rooms (Bw) in principia. Stratigraphic data together with coins found under and
in the deposit layer give the datę of deposit to the late 4th or first half of the 5th
century AD. The clay and technology is similar to other vessels from Novae dated to
4th - half of 5th century. This kind of pottery is called in literaturę ceramics with
“einglatteter Dekor” and usually interpreted as pottery connected with Gothic tribes.
(Trąd. A. Tomas)