Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 14.1898

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Birkenruth, A. “ The Promise of Sleep.” Reproduction in Colours
Burne-Jones, E. Study ...........

Clark, James. “ Sunlight.” Study in Water-Colours.

Designs for Buckles..

Dhurmer, Levy. “A Portrait.” After the Pastel.

Forain. Studies in “ Line ”.

Hamilton, J. McClure. Mr. Gladstone. Auto-Lithograph . . . .

Image, Selwyn. “ Birds and Roses.” From a Pastel.

Jourdain, Francis. “ The White Peacock.” From the Etching in Colours
Jungmann, Nico. “ A Volendam Musician.” Reproduction in Colours
Khnopff, Fernand. Auto-Lithograph ........

Lepere, A. After the Statue by A. Rodin. Woodcut in Two Blocks
Menpes, Mortimer. From an Etching in Colours ......

Priestman, Bertram. From an Oil Painting .......

>> ,, Auto-Lithograph.

Rodin, A. “Balzac.” Tinted Reproduction .......

Scott, M. H. Baillie. Music Cabinet. Sketch .......

Shaw, Byam. “ A Knight and His Companions.” Auto-Lithograph
Sleigh, Bernard. “ The Vale of False Lovers.” Wood Block
Vernet, Horace. “ Napoleon.” From a Sketch in Oils . . . . .

Wyse, H. T. Applique and Embroidered Portiere. Reproduction in Colours .


. 226


. 152
. 140
. 289
174. 179

• 135


. 209
. facing 58
. facing 194

■ 251

■ 39

. 76

■ • 83

. 106

• 95
. facing 234


• 31
. 217

Books Reviewed—

Architecture Among the Pods. II. H. Statham ........ • 292

Artists and Engravers of British and American Book-Plates, The. PI. W. Fincham ... 7°

Bases of Design, The. Walter Crane 291

Bow, Chelsea, and Derby Porcelain. William Bemrose.291

“ Builder ” Album of Royal Academy Architecture, 1897, The. (London : Offices of “ The Builder ”) 69

English Flower Garden, The. W. Robinson ........... 292

English Portraits: A Series of Lithographed Drawings by Will Rothenstein ..... 214

Felix Vallottcn. J. Meiergraefe . .. • .291

Greek Pompeian Ornament. James C. Watt 292

Hamburgischer Kronstler Club, 1897. (Hamburg: Commissionsverlag D. Commeterschen

Kunsthandlung).. 292

Historic Ornament. James Ward ............. 69

Id Affiche Beige. A. Demeure de Beaumont.. 69

Letters and Papers of Andrew Robertson. A. M. Emily Robertson ....... 291

letters of Dante Gabriel Rossetti, 1854-1870. G. Birkbeck Hill, D.C.L., LL.D. .... 292

Menus et Programmes Illustres. Leon Maillard .......... 69

Millais and His Works. M. IT. Spielmann ........... 214

Mother Goose in Prose. L. Frank Baum. One Illustration.. 214

Nature Poems of George Meredith, The. William Hyde ......... 292

Print Gallery, The. Vol. I. (London : II. Grevel & Co.). .291

Schoix de Modeles de la Manufacture Nationale de Spares. (Paris : Calavas) ..... 292

Spikenard: A Book of Devotional Love Poems. Laurence Housman . . . .291

Ten Songs from Herrick's Hesperides. Illustrated by Paul Woodroffe ...... 70

TJrbino e i suoi monumenti. Professor Egidio Calzini -.70