Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 19.1900

DOI Heft:
No. 83 (February, 1900)
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Studio- Talk

A Winter's Evening. We now give two illustra- from the art centres of Chelsea, Kensington, and

tions of this work. The artist, as will be-seen at a St. John's Wood. What are they to do? They

glance, has been influenced by our modern Pre- can form themselves into a working brotherhood,

Raphaelites, and we cannot choose but hope that and as a check upon their mutual admiration can

he will soon have sufficient confidence in his own invite criticism at public exhibitions of their own.

talents to be entirely original in all his paintings. One little group of young and clever artists, having

But we can say this and yet perceive that A its home in the neighbourhood of Camden Square,

Winter's Evening has many fine qualities. The has already done this, calling itself the Guild of Art

colour is good throughout, there is a pleasant Craftsmen; and we give illustrations to show that

austerity in the composition, and the glow from its productions are varied and meritorious. The

the fire is admirably contrasted with the cold chimney-piece (p. 50), wrought somewhat too

grey light of departing day. If the girls were not heavily in old oak, fumed and polished, was

sadly self-conscious, if they were really dreaming brought to a finish by nearly all the members of

in the radiant dusk, there would be little to invite the guild. It is designed by Mr. G. M. Ellwood;

criticism. the caps of the pilasters are carved by Mr. J.

- Osmond ; the large panel, representing five knights

Artists are gregarious, and it is common know- on their way to a joust, is a fine piece of silver

ledge that their work suffers when they rarely meet repousse work by Mr. Onslow Whiting ; while two

together for discussion. This general interchange circular copper panels, representing The Fight

of thought and criticism is often impossible in and The Victor, are by Mr. Garbe. It will be

London, in some quarters of which a few artists noticed here and there in the illustrations that the

find themselves separated by almost a day's journey Guild of Art Craftsmen is sometimes so modern as
