Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 19.1900

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No. 83 (February, 1900)
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Awards in "The Studio" prize competitions
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>n idea, and in working out. A certain Russian
captain, one Feodor Von Yngern, has been de-
prived of wife and liberty by a bad brother named
Zeno. Regaining his liberty, he conceives the idea
of becoming the chief of a band of wreckers.
However, that is merely the machinery of the
story, which lias a certain psychological interest,
and although it lacks depth, rises sufficiently above
the commonplace to merit passing attention.

The Parson's Handbook. By the Rev. percy
Dearmkr. (Grant Richards.) 3s. 6d.—Religion
and art, as Sir W. li. Richmond amongst many
others would be prompt to remind us, have had a
close historical connection, and, to a less extent,
have it to-day. The Parson's Handbook is the
latest attempt to show how the historic, and
therefore aesthetic, side of religion in the Estab-
lished Church shall be maintained. Mr. Dearmer
has done his work well, although he has been
forced to include a number of items which
the ordinary person may be excused for thinking
undeserving of special mention. Any parson who
will use this book may, for aught we know, do
illegal things ; he will not do ugly ones. But why,
in the name of sound thinking, does Mr. Dearmer
declare that if the parson "preaches in his chasuble
from the altar step he will probably offend the con-
gregation and preach badly " ?

Soldiers of the Queen. By Horace Wyndham.
(London : Sands & Co.)—Mr. Wyndham writes
from knowledge gained at first hand, and succeeds
in throwing interesting and amusing light upon the
joys and sorrows of the British soldier at work and
at play. His pages teem with entertaining reflec-
tions and anecdotes, which will be read with par-
ticular interest at the present juncture.

Sour Grapes. By J. F. Cornish. (London:
Chatto & Windus.) Price 6s.—"The fathers have
eaten a sour grape, and the children's teeth are set
on edge " is the motto of Mr. Cornish's absorbing
story, the remarkable plot of which is unfolded in
a style at once vigorous and polished. The book,
clothed in a cover of admirable and appropriate
design, will be read with interest by all who can
appreciate a good story well told.

The Year's Art, 1900. Compiled by A. C. R.
Carter. (London : H. Virtue & Co.) Price
3*. 6r/.—The twenty-first annual issue of this
always welcome and carefully edited publication
contains no important new features, but well
maintains its position as an indispensable vade-
mecum for artists and art workers.

The cover of " Kitwyk' Stories," jllustrated on

page 53 of the Winter Number of The Studio
(1899-1900), was designed by Mr. George Wharton
Edwards of New York, and not by Mrs. John Lane
s stated.

Mr. Frederick H. Evans, of Bedford Park,
London, is issuing a series of Cathedral Pictures,
reproduced in photogravure, each copy of which
is artistically mounted ready for framing. The
first series consists of subjects from Lincoln and
Ely Cathedrals. The prints are of exceptional
merit, and form notable examples of the high degree
of excellence to which the art of photography has
now attained.

Design for the Cover of a New
Year's Card or Calendar.

The First Prize (Three guineas) is awarded to
Bel (Isobel B. Williamson, 18 Ivanhoe Road,

The Second Prize (One guinea) to Curlc.v
(Lennox G. Bird, Royal Marine Barracks,

Honourable mention is given to Celta (Scott
Calder) ; Chewed Cheek (Marie P. Webb) ; Gareth
(Osmond M. Pittman); and Malvolio (Olive

Illustration for "Paradise Lost."

The First Prize (Two guineas) is awarded to
Sal (S. A. Lindsey, " Limnersland," South bourne,
Christchurch, Hants)

The Second Prize (One guinea) to Faithful
(Christine D. Angus, Bideton, Birkenhead,

Photographs from Nature.
Picturesque Street View.
The First Prize (One guinea) is awarded to
Lipsca (Robert Proessdorf, Bayr Strasse 42,

The Second Prize (Haifa-guinea) to Cayton
(Charles E. Wanless, 31 Westborough, Scar-

Honourable mention is given to the following:—
Aprilsvejr (Niels Fischer) ; Falcon (Hugh Price);
Gambuk (William J. Warren) ; Memoa (Henry C.
Leat) ; Rainbow (Charles E. Wanless) ; Sweet Pe 1
(Miss P. Rochussen); and Velasouez (Howard A.
