Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 19.1900

DOI Heft:
No. 85 (April, 1900)
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Studio- Talk

mother with her baby in her arms, an old woman
winding wool, or a party of old men discussing
some question of politics, the artistic, poetic pre-
sentment of these common-place facts endows them
with a charm not to be found in the story alone.
In all this there is an attempt also to make the
method of expression suitable to the idea expressed.
In Adagio, for example, we feel the charm of the
slow movement from which it takes its name.

vision of the Guild of Civic Art, a chartered body
which owed its formation to the efforts of Mr
Reid, and a small group of men interested in
mural decoration. This set of decorations was
recently presented formally to the city.

Pioneers was the subject chosen. The decora-
tions consist of two large panels (7 ft. by 17 ft.),
and the spandrils of the three arches which form
the main entrance to the corridor.
The large panels represent thesettlers
of the country, men who in the early
years of the century cleared and sur-
veyed the land, and whose descend-
ants enjoy to-day the results of their
labours. In the spandrils the subject
is symbolically treated by four figures
representing " Discovery," " Fame,"
le," and "Adventure," and the motto
ley uphold reads, " Hail to the Pioneers;
mes and deeds, remembered and forgotten,
our here." These panels are thoroughly
ve in effect. Strong contrasts of colour
en avoided, thus helping the flat effect
itial in wall decoration. The elimination
nsequent details, the broad masses of
and the border surrounding the whole
le purpose very happily. The pleasant


For the last four or five years Mr.
Reid has been giving special atten-
tion to decorative subjects, feeling
that this field offers the best means
of expression to the figure painter.
Some three years ago he, with several
other Toronto artists, presented to
the City Council a plan of decoration

for a portion of the interior of the new City Hall. " Fortun
Though the designs were well received, the which th
Council did not see its way to carrying them their nai
out at that time, and it seemed as if the whole we hom
effort would have to be abandoned. To prevent decorath
this, Mr. Reid offered to decorate a part of the have be
main corridpr in the hope that it would form the so essen
beginning of a municipal effort in this direction. of incoi
The offer was accepted, and the work was under- colour,
taken, at Mr. Reid's suggestion, under the super- serve th